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We're back from PAX Unplugged, and we've commemorated the Club PA meetup from that show for all to see:

The game in question is called Welcome To… and is a…  hmm.  It's a Massively Multiplayer Multi-Paper Game Of Suburban Zoning: .  Our guests for the meetup, Shut Up & Sit Down, suggested it as a game the whole room could play together - and it's better than it sounds.  Well, if you're not Gabe.  If you're Gabe, well, it goes as described above.

Doing what amounts to a PAX show a month takes a lot out of you - I'm told this last show was my thirty-sixth consecutive PAX - but man oh man if PAX Unplugged's chill vibe and plentiful, colorful cards didn't act as a medicinal salve.  I'm at home today attempting to chill out, it's not really happening, but the joy from the show is of such intensity and duration that I don't need as much  

We'll have December's official Club strip to you here relatively shortly, but I did announce something at the meetup that is worth mentioning to the club broadly, which is that we're going to bring the podcast back exclusively for members.  We're gonna start with a couple a month to get back into the swing, but it seemed like exclusive access to it was better than early access and hopefully you agree.  Trying to fit it in around all the President Stuff that is part of my job now is tough, but it seems like it's something people here really enjoy so I'm glad to make the time.




I just wanted to say I really appreciate Jerry making the effort to still do the podcast. It's absolutely my favorite PA thing, it's hard for me to explain why it means so much but it's my favorite podcast period hard stop.


Agreed! I can't always keep up with longer rpg podcasts or streams, but I still re-listen to the old PA podcast constantly.


podcast is one of my favorite things to listen to during the week!


They did the same thing at PAX East, only it was talking zip codes, shipping rates, and economic cost of doing international business.


So glad to hear the podcast is back, Smooth move making it exclusive. It doesn't need to be ultra polished cos it's already for superfans that way

Allison Stewart

I'm with Gabe on the "Welcome to..." fences and pools and numbers. I was too braindead to be assimilated in the moment, but it was a good game. I plan to acquire it in the future for use with nieces and nephews.


Isn't this issue 59? Minor quibble... :)

Kristin Pilotte

Glad DLC is coming back!!! Also have a question - I noticed the C-Team feed got updated recently (PAX Aus and Waffle crew shows) but I haven't seen any of those get to my Club PA feed. Am I missing something? I really should have asked this at the meet-up at Unplugged but I forgot it was on Friday (I kept thinking Saturday).


DLC is my favorite Penny Arcade product, and I'm so glad it's coming back. When it was a regular feature, I'd listen to it on my way to work the day it came out every week. It was, honestly, a highlight of my week. Listening to it always makes me think "I want a working relationship exactly like this." It's just such a fantastic slice-of-life.


Fantastic news that DLC is back. I've really missed hearing the two of you just shoot the breeze.


DLC is my 2nd favourite thing PA has done (the dark sun campaign is my #1) So glad it’s coming back!


Let it be known that your labors do please us and are well appreciated for the time they take.