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Hi everyone

As you may all remember from the monthly newsletter, we had a stream scheduled for tomorrow called Enter The Feh-Wild. Unfortunately, Feh's busy schedule ended up forcing a cancellation of that stream. Thankfully, our friend Stephen Radney-MacFarland was able to step in at the last possible minute to help us out.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Stephen is a master GM and designer for Paizo, and he'll be running us through a game of Pathfinder. We've been trying to find an excuse to work with Stephen again for a long time so we're really excited to have him join us for a game. 

Our cast of characters for this game will be Travis Eriksen, Kristy Monahan and Tabitha Sheehan from Child's Play and Penny Arcade's own Jason "Geebs" DeVrieze. You may know Travis and Tabitha from our Child's Play streams (and the adventures of Brujah vampire Ulrika Draeger), and we're excited to bring you Kristy and Jason as new faces on the channel. 

The stream times haven't changed, we'll still have a link for you at 11am tomorrow, with VOD and podcast links coming soon after the broadcast. 

The Unplugged Meetup!

We will, of course, be having a Club PA meetup at PAX Unplugged, and we have some fun surprises planned for it. You can find us on Friday at 20:30 in the Crab God Theatre.

Podcast Updates

We've been reading through all of your feedback on the DLC podcast hiatus, and we're working feverishly to come up with new ideas for podcasts. Our aim is to have something new for you in 2018, and as with anything Club PA related we intend to keep developing and evolving what we do based on your feedback. As always, if you'd prefer to give private feedback you can reach me at pgroome@penny-arcade.com

Merch Stuff

As we mentioned at the beginning of the month, November is a nightmare month for our merch team so we expected delays on the merch packages. These have now all been sent out, and should be with you soon! Let us know if anything weird happens and we'll get it fixed.

The Number Of Surprises Yet To Come This Month

Two. There are two. 


Jonathan Bates

Woo! Can't wait! Is there any way to get a ClubPA lanyard at a meetup? I didn't realize they were a thing until today and I don't know it would get here in time.


Very excited for the PAX Unplugged meet-up, this will be only my second PAX and my first as a ClubPA member! Also, who doesn't love more surprises? Only terrible people who like awful things.


Looking forward to this!

Allison Stewart

The meetup was lovely, but I was so tired I had no idea what to do with my neighborhood. There was an insufficiency of puzzle solving neurons available. Hope I will be less lost tomorrow. Er. Later this morning...

Neal Gray

I loved Welcome To! Tried to find it on the expo floor for purchase, to no avail.


You can take it from me that copies of Welcome To are like gold dust.