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I have a couple tender morsels for you.  For one, your strip, displayed above.

It was the culmination of a truly insane week.  First we spent three full days filming a show that is gonna be announced during PAX.  That was the middle of the week.  Still did the #cteam.  Then I met Brenna and Ronia on one of the islands out here for about twenty total hours before I came back into town and ended up being a little late for the reading but not SO late that it was incredibly shameful.  It was a lot of living squozen into a very short period and some errors were bound to creep in.  

For an explanation of why I might have been late, I direct you to the Ferry Schedule, which is incomprehensible to non-islanders and may in fact constitute a kind of Island Shibboleth designed to stymie we immoral continentals.  I would love to blame the whole thing on Brenna but I read it and perceived it in exactly the same completely wrong way.  We were in line for the ferry like four hours early as a result.  I went down to the Ferry Office and said, "This ferry schedule isn't one hundred percent legible" and she completely agreed.  Then, when I was walking back to the car, an old an slowed his car down next to me and asked me if I was Chuck.  

"I don't think so," I said.  He seemed crestfallen.  I told him that I really do believe there's a Chuck out there for everybody, they just have to keep looking.  That seemed to cheer him up a bit.

"The Chuck's in the mail," he said, and drove away.

Wondering about the Secret Meetup at PAX?  Behold:

Secret Club PA Meetup

Saturday 9:00pm – 10:00pm 

Sphinx Theatre (Sheraton)

Secret no more.  We'll rock this one in the classic Q&A fashion, but I think after the poll Patrick and I are gonna explore a few different themes for the meetup.  I'm pretty excited about it.  

See you soon,





"Squozen"? We tolerate a lot from you but this... <3


If I can't make it to the club PA meet up, am I allowed to send a blood relation as a surrogate representative? Genetically speaking, it'd be pretty much like I was there myself.

Kikka Delarose

wow this makes me have such mixed feelings about being there and talking to Jerry, now! O:


That's just for comic effect. He had a great time and asked me to book more!


Hmm...need to kill some time then. What to do, what to do...