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Here's your link! Please don't give it out, it's just for you guys: https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=SP3XvRIZsw0


Ken B.

My internet keeps going out here at work, so I've had to give up trying to watch. :( Will the VOD be available to watch after the show? And if so, will the link be the same?


Had too many meetings...hoping to grab the VOD if there is one since I've missed like all 3 hours...lol


Noice, perfect timing for an early morning commute to the airport, thanks for amusing and entertaining me on the drive.


There's definitely going to be a video made available but the exact timing is not yet announced. "Soon". It was a most excellent stream!


This is so great. Thank you so much!


Is there going to be an mp3 version? My young spawn tend to take most of my free time away in the house, so most PA consumption is car-based.


This was so, so great. I hope you guys can find time to do it more often!