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Featuring a new theme song from Jerry


Christopher Daub

I played a bit of an email game in the Amber system back in school, its diceless nature worked well in that context.


If we have questions for "This Old Lair," How/where should we submit them?


I just realized there’s tavern and campfire noise in the background of these😑. I love it.

Core Flux

#Question. I really like Cthulhu-esque settings, and got some of my best roleplay moments out of those as a player. When I try to DM these things however, I seem to have a hard time striking a balance between creating an maelstrom of madness while still allowing the players to have a meaningful impact on their surroundings. Sometimes they feel (too) powerless. Any tips?

Allison Stewart

#Question How does it help or hinder the creative process having a Co-DM or a Co-writer/creator? It seems like the work you two do for the"C" Team is excessively thorough, but truly fun.

Allison Stewart

#Question Do you think you will ever gave guest DM's on your podcast for different perspectives or specialties?

Tim Martin

I loved how you used the "cure a disease" plot line as a concrete example of how you would deal with developments in the story. I'd love to see more of that in the podcast - like a mini tutorial rather than just answering questions. For example you could describe how you come up with a story idea and then workshop it to see if it's good, or reject it if it seems bad for some reason. There's a lot to learn from observing your process!

Tim Martin

Question: is there going to be a regular release of these? This podcast is the main reason I joined Club PA and I would love more!


There is! Unfortunately Edge Benson has been recently indisposed, by we’re getting back to these as soon as we can.


Is there anyone that you would love to play an RPG with if you ever had the chance? (You know, besides hitting me up if you are in Calgary)

Steve Schrab (MegaSmack)

One of these days you guys should have Chris Perkins as a guest on This Old Lair. I'd love to hear discussions on how you guys worked together for the Waffle Crew / C - Team mash up.