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Occasionally, when one is at the wheel, they will exhort Jesus to take it.  I am in a similar situation with the two books, which I consider completely done and have for a minute now.  I didn't give the books to Jesus, because  one of them is pornography and I don't want to get in big trouble.  But I did give them to Ryan Hartman, who I begged to take them off my hands, put them in front of an editor, and free me from this twisted word prison.

You know how if you put a screen protector on without the necessary enthusiasm, little bubbles taunt you from beneath the surface?  This is like that, but with commas.  I will scooch and scoot a comma around from hell to breakfast and I think I've moved all the commas I'm gonna move.  I'm afraid to look at it; my fear is that I would open up the very latest draft and find that it's all commas.  I would sometimes chase a comma out of one manuscript only to find that it had reared its pointy head in the other one.  They're wily, these commas.

Whatever the comic may claim, eventually Gurb did finish the book - the base model - and claims to have enjoyed it.  I don't think he is joshing!  I think he really did, which is good, because I essentially had to puppeteer his character Jim Darkmagic over the course of tens of thousands of words.  I think I did it right, but if that's the case it's probably because we've been playing those characters for fifteen years.  I never saw it before I had to write a whole book of it, but the shippers might be onto something.  Oh!  I also have a special treat for you.  Wuuld you like to get a preview of the cover image?  It'll have Hardy Boys style detailing to imply that it's part of a series which will absolutely sell the vibe.  ENJOY:



Scott Smith

Regardless of the content, it needs to have - on the cover - a spaceship, a planet and a space station / or anomaly !!


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