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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!

Oh, I'm sorry if you were sleeping and I woke you up, or maybe in your country the sun is still up on the sky and it's hot! I don't know, but before I go to sleep now, I had to upload this WIP! I should have uploaded it this afternoon Chilean time, but I couldn't do it because I got home late from the Gym, besides, I'm making preparations for the New Year :). 

As you know, this is already the last image of this year. The full drawing will come after the new year, but you won't want to miss it, as it will be an EPIC drawing of Fshy, but also as a little remake of a drawing I did in 2019, but dont worry because yes, this drawing will include the 2019 drawing as a bonus, don't worry!!! :D 


Well guys, this is how this 2023 has almost gone. The truth is that in terms of mood and personal matters, it has been the worst year I have ever had in my life. It all started this February, as some of you may remember, I was about to close all my accounts and leave due to stress. I was really very, very bad mood-wise. I said that from that moment on, I would start going to the gym and start taking care of myself. That's what I have been doing and the truth is that there has been progress, I am also going to monthly checkups with my nutritionist since I am a very thin person (I was very malnourished), but now I have been progressing little by little and I am even gaining a lot of muscle mass! :D. 

I have always thought that to change the "chip" in my head, that is, to change that silly idea of locking myself in my room to draw from Monday to Sunday and not going to family meals just to draw, was annihilating me inside, and all this evil must have happened to me to change. Maybe, thanks to what happened to me that month of February I'm going to the gym, I'm taking care of myself. However, you have been part of this change and I thank you. You may be wondering, why? Well, it's easy, you understood me, you told me: "go to the gym, it will help you", and you have even told me: "take a vacation, you deserve it". Thank you so much for those words my brothers and sisters, I love you! This year was really bad, but it was also very good because of that, one thing for the other I guess hehe. 

I am confident that the year 2024 will be very epic. My progress is slow and it's normal, nobody in the world becomes "muscular" in a couple of months, it takes time and I know it, but at least, I've started and I notice my progress :D. 

To end this walltext, again I thank all of you for your support this month: those who are still here, those who will be here next year and even those who will not be here anymore: thank you all very much! I wish you all a very good year 2024, may it be much better than this 2023 obviously. Many greetings from Chile, don't forget that Charlie loves you all hehe ^^. And of course, amazing things are coming in 2024, you'll see! :D 



khalif brown

Happy New Year! Looking forward to this new art of Fluttershy


HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ! ! 🎊🥳🎉