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wip wip wip WORK IN PROGRESS!!

After a long session of video games, Sunset is tired and decides to go to sleep... but it seems she has something in mind for us! XD I wonder what she's planning? ;O!

This drawing will share theme with another one, I'll let you know when I upload the final drawing, don't worry, and obviously I hope you like this drawing ^^

WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!



Blck Dynomite

Oh-ho, looking good so far.


hehe thanks man!! you will see that the final pic will have an super extra special version! :D


UH! If she is on the bed, a very nice thing would be to draw her eyes closed: literally the "sleeping beauty!" Fabulous! 🥰


yay haha thank you!! of course! i had an idea when i saw a old image that i made before, so im gonna do it with Sunset ^^