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As you know, this drawing was going to be something Explicit, that means that I simply CANNOT upload the complete drawing here due to Patreon policies, but I have already sent the drawings that would correspond today to your emails!

>> Please, check your emails (Tier 2 and Tier 3)! ^-^. There I sent the complete drawings! (please let me know if you haven't got the email with the images, please check your inbox or spam folder)

IMPORTANT: Those are not all the drawings. I still need to send you the rest of the alternative versions as I normally do (RAR file), you know what I mean. That means many more alternate versions, exclusive versions, the PSD for Tier 3 users, and more!

With all this explained, I hope you like this little "prologue" of the drawing, because I still need to work in the rest of the alt versions! Just be patient ^^.

IMPORTANT 2: The "Normal" versions I can upload here (no guy), however the EXPLICIT version is only available in the emails of Tier 2 and Tier 3 users. Check your inboxes or spam folder!

>> next: alts, more partial and full nude!

>> next next: Sonata, Sci-Twi (Norma and Explicit! + Surprise e,e), Bridal Trixie, Rainbow Dash full EXPLICIT! :D and more! ^_^




Sunset thought that she could sneak in a quick game of her own before the stream, huh? I’m still trying to figure out which one’s the player and which one’s the controller…


Nice easter egg with the zelda game on the bed


hahaha i think Sunset made a mistake not only in the game, but also in the control!


the previous drawing (Sunset gamergirl 1) she was playing zelda breath of the wild, now she will be play zelda tears of kingdom, like the sequel!! :D


Oh boy we are stepping up! Looks better and better


thanks bro!! ^^ .. and this is not the final drawing hehe, im still working on the other versions yay! ^^