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Guys, the day has come. Starlight is waiting for us! ^^
On a very special day we have to be prepared, and for that, here I bring you this drawing, as a continuation of the "Bridal" theme :). From the beginning I thought that this idea was going to end with the Mane 7, but due to the success, I am going to expand this theme to more girls! Among them Trixie and the Dazzlings, but everything very calmly, because I already have the drawings for the next days planned, so be patient guys!

I really hope you like this drawing! Also remember that I have to do the wallpaper with all the girls! I'll start once I finish Trixie to add all the girls. I'm going to draw the Dazzlings individually, so they will also have their wallpaper :). Anyway, as i said, i hope you like this drawings!! <3

>> next: alts and nudes!! :O

>> next next: Gamer girls Sunset (Explicit!), Sonata, Twilight (+ surprise!!), Bridal Trixie and more! 




Every time a bridal theme happens, I'm wondering how the dress is gonna look like 8) You surprise me every time 8)


Thank you so much bro! xD .. There's only one small problem... I'm running out of ideas for the dresses hahhaha XD.. But im gonna do my best for the rest of the girls! ^^


A really pretty dress, just like always. :D

Kevin Forte

Starlight looks nice without her beanie. And the pose with her finger in her mouth makes her look so sophisticated too.