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As you know, this drawing was going to be something Explicit, that means that I simply CANNOT upload the complete drawing here due to Patreon policies, but I have already sent the drawings that would correspond today to your emails! 

>> Please, check your emails (Tier 2 and Tier 3)! ^-^. There I sent the complete drawings!

IMPORTANT: Those are not all the drawings. I still need to send you the rest of the alternative versions as I normally do (RAR file), you know what I mean. That means many more alternate versions, exclusive versions, the PSD for Tier 3 users, and an EPIC surprise! that my brother @maximussoliniv2 and I are working :)

With all this explained, I hope you like this little "prologue" of the drawing, because I still need to work in the rest of the alt versions! Just be patient ^^.


>> next: alts, more partial and full nude!

>> next next: Sunny G5, Fluttershy (Explicit!), Bridal Starlight, Sunset and more! ^^




Estos sets estaran pero que arden o.o! y comenzando con la mejor obvio 💅🏼 Maravilloso trabajo!!!! ....Still lurking btw.....


Super hot!! Love this, can't wait for more~


I don't think you have done something like this or at least not in a long time


It's always been interesting to me to see how different artists interpret characters and outfits into EqG, and you're up there with the best of them. Great expressions, too. Hope you feel confident going further in this new direction! :D


Muchas gracias man!! Me hubiera gustado haberlo subido aqui pero me fue imposible por las politicas de esta plataforma ^^. Asi que pues, el dibujo que debio estar aqui, lo envie por correo. Pero aun faltan los clasicos RAR file que incluiran las otras versiones! Asi que no te preocupes porque aun falta lo mejor ^^


3 or 4 years :) .. yeah ^^. Anyway, this is a theme. Depending on your comments and likes, I'll see if I keep drawing more girls like this :)


Thanks Akradios!! :D I'm really glad to know that I can be one of the best drawing outfits ^^. It's been almost 3 or 4 years since the last time I did an explicit drawing like this. I really hope you like this theme! Through comments and Likes I will see if I can continue with the other girls! (for now the next one is Fluttershy, who is already confirmed ^^)


agabocadaka [gibberish]! Oh my gosh, that story. So much 4th wall break going in with silly head hearing your voice as narrator XD. Nice funny story and hot. Really like Rarity’s cute clothes. And her explicit expression, oh my o_O. Spectacular job on her. And i guess new narrator (you) villain is born for this explicit series, after the aphrodisiac series when the MC was the villain in that series. What more craziness shall the narrator do or silly head get into in this explicit universe? To be continued…XP


I follow other Patreon accounts that show actual sex in their art. Why does Patreon not allow yours?


For Patreon, my drawing style is too "cute" (I can't say the other word, because it's forbidden, but it would be something like "little girls"), even though I specify in my settings that all characters are +18 . One time I got banned and forced to delete all my drawings and I can't upload any NSFW here (I still have the email they sent me as evidence XD)


hahaha XD. Thank you bro! Yes, I introduce myself as the villain in this story muahahaha!! Of course, the humorous touch can never be missing from my stories, no matter if Sombra is going to destroy the world, or our friend is with a girl at the time! XD


dont say that word, Patreon can ban me x_X .. can you delete your comment please? And yes, that was the problem

A.F. Unknown

Que elegante es 💖

A.F. Unknown

Me encanto el toque que le diste con esa "censura" del vestido, de verdad se ve muy fina a pesar del acto 🥰 Me tiene expectante lo que sigue!! Si esta primera vista esta grandiosa no me imagino las variantes 🤯


heheh asi es. Todo friamente calculado XD.. Igualmente esta la version con el vestido un poco más levantado, version con la parte superior diferente, version con un accesorio exclusivo... UUUUUUH tendras mucho material hermano ^^! Ademas de una legendaria sorpresa adicional ^^. Espero ansioso que te guste :)


I'd call her the best picnic appetizer, but Rarity would probably be insulted that she's not the main course...let's just call her the exclusive hors d'oeuvre and hope that sounds fancy enough. Nicely done!


Hahah hey you right!! Maybe we can have another version of the story in the alt versions 😁. And thanks bro!! Im glad you like it!


Very nice! It's sexy, but it doesn't feel "dirty", just fun and wholesome. :)


Hehe thank you bro! Im glad to know that ^^. I really wanted to do this drawing very sexy but also hot 😄

Crawling Chaos

Fire. Your attention and care in proportions and anatomy show strongly here. I dare to say that her skirt covering actually makes this spicier. Excited for when AJ gets a turn and I’ve got some small ideas regarding that if you’re interested. Well done C!


Thank you C.Chaos!! :D Yes, indeed I will work so that the alt versions of this drawing are liked by everyone, both sexy and hot at the same time! About AJ, for sure, im open to ideas ^^.

Adailton Fernandes

Incredible. I think my new favorite art is coming!


absolutely!! hehe thanks man! ^^. The alts files (Tier 2 and Tier 3) im gonna send them tomorrow :)