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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!! :D
Do you remember this image? -> https://www.deviantart.com/charliexe/art/EG-Series-After-the-shower-848753889 .. Well, we have a "prequel"!! XD .. oka oka.. Actually this drawing was intended as a new theme, but I will replace that theme with this prequel to that 2020 drawing (the new theme will probably start with Twilight) ^^. So.. Sour Sweet is back guys!! What about the other Shadow5? We'll find out in time! ^^.


>> VERY Important please read:
First of all I want to thank all of you for your comments on my current mood. Fatigue has knocked on my door and what happens to many artists has happened to me: I get bored and tired of doing the same thing over and over again.
Since 2018, the date I opened my Patreon, I have drawn absolutely every day: From Monday to Sunday, without a break. There were days when I missed family reunions and birthdays just to draw and keep both Patreon and Deviantart updated. Since drawing for fun, I practically started drawing out of obligation... something I couldn't control in time :( .. And with the honesty that characterizes me, I have to say this.
Since mid-February it was when I realized that my life is very bad (with the WIP of Rarity Otherside). Everything went into working and drawing, I don't give myself the necessary time with my family, friends or playing video games to get out of the routine. During these last 5 years my day to day is: Get out of bed, turn on the computer, draw until night, turn off the computer and sleep. I reached a point where my stress was so huge that I thought of making a statement announcing my definitive retirement from drawing.
My mother, my father and my brother have always told me: "take a break, you can't be in your room all day working. That's not healthy for your mental health." They were right and all that took its toll.
This is a serious problem for us, the content creators, be it streamers or artists. The routine of doing the same thing every day without a break is very serious... and it slowly destroys you from the inside. You know the artis: The Butcher X... he is a Chilean compatriot who sadly announced his official retirement. When I saw his statement on Twitter, I was about to do what he did, announce my retirement. But I think I'm still in time to change all this.

When I uploaded the Rarity The Otheride WIP, I already had the drawing at 100%, in other words: Full color. The same day I uploaded it, I went on a little vacation with my father and a friend for 2 days. Those 2 days I didn't even touch the computer, I only answered some messages through my cell phone, but nothing else. I played board games (UNO hehe), I went to the beach, I saw a music band play! It was literally something spectacular and what I needed to recover batteries.
Believe me when I tell you this: if I hadn't gone on vacation that weekend, now my Patreon, my Deviantart and maybe my Twitter would have already been closed.
I am currently focused on one thing: CHANGING MY LIFESTYLE. This means many things and changes that will benefit me personally, but unfortunately it may not feel like the right thing to do for some peoples.

1º. Every day I am starting to go to the gym: This is something I've never done before hehe, but I need to take care of myself now ^^.

2º I will no longer make commissions (at least for now): This is something I'm really sorry about, I'm really sorry guys, but the commissions were really time consuming. I think I had around 10 pending commissions. Well, sorry, I won't do the commissions. Of those 10, I will only do 2 of them since they are relatively easy (a commission that a friend already paid me, and a commission for some tattoos that shouldn't take me more than a couple of hours to finish). This doesn't mean that I will never make commissions again. This means that from now on, I won't work on commissions at least until I feel like working on them. For the third time, I'm so sorry!

3º I will draw only from Monday to Friday: As I mentioned before, I drew every day, from Monday to Sunday, and from day to night. No more. Now Saturday and Sunday will literally be my day off: I won't draw, I probably won't reply to messages, I don't know. I won't do anything that involves having a computer pointed at my face, unless it's for playing a video game xD

4º Probably no more polls: Polls are important and I know it, but they also involve one thing: drawing a character that you don't have the mood to draw, and that translates into: more stress. From now on I will draw the characters that I think are perfect for the occasion or theme. Of course, you still can give me recommendations of characters that you would like to see in the future! xD. Remember that there are thousands of characters, whether pony or human, that I have not drawn. If you want, you can recommend other series and I could give you surprises! Anyone, think of one and PLAF, write it in Community :) ..

With the previously mentioned, it may take a couple of extra days to finish the drawings, and once again, Im sorry guys :( .. but if I don't do this, my head will explode. After much thought about this, this was the solution. I mean, there were two solutions: make these changes or close all my accounts U_U.

I think this is all for now, sorry for the walltext guys, but it was necessary to write this for you to understand how I've been these last few weeks. I want to thank again the people who wrote me and advised me what to do. Thank you very much guys seriously!
Well then, time to finish this walltext: I will still continue working on the drawings, and I have many ideas in mind, and many themes!! There is charlieXe for a long time as long as I myself respect my new rules XD.

Stay safe guys!! <3 




For me you made an excellent choice: health and family are extremely important things. 👍 Unfortunately I know The Butcher X withdrawal episode well, since I had the Patreon for him too: unfortunately he didn't hold up and he gave up. 😥 I tell you that you have done doubly well to let us sponsors know about your state of stress: we are not ancient Egyptian-style whip slavers, most of us (at least I hope so) are well inclined to lighten the stress load of our favorite artists and thus facilitate a dignified and healthy life (as I already told you: the better off you are, the more beautiful the works you will be able to create). 😃 Unfortunately The Butcher X announced his withdrawal from one moment to the next, without informing the users (at least on Patreon... or if he did, I'm stupid for not reading it) of his mental and/or physical state: maybe (I always hope the majority... I like to be positive) we could also recommend him to slow down and take some time for yourself: we too are human beings, we too have our problems, so we know very well that a break from time to time is mandatory. 😥 Like any worker, you were right to set limits: at a certain time, the gym, while on Saturdays and Sundays, total relaxation. 😉 Other series you say? Now rest, then I already have a couple of characters in mind that I'd like to see with your style... but we'll talk about them later... 😁


thank you so much Petardo!! First of all, I greatly appreciate both comments (this one, and the one in the previous post). Many of us were hit by Butcher X's retirement, and believe me when I read his Twitter, I was about to do the same. But I think I can remedy this, it was as easy as setting limits and respecting those limits ^-^. I'm a slim person, and I think that the gym will benefit me to gain some muscle mass that every person needs xD, so that's perfect for me! :D Sometimes there were days that I didn't feel like drawing, but I did it because it was my "obligation" to do so .. and that is the first serious mistake that I made. Thank you again for your comment and all your support Petardo! &lt;3


Bueno chars yo estoy llegando recien a mi casa despues de estar fuer como 1 semana (para volver a viajar el lunes por otra semana mas) y se lo tedioso que es estar en la rutina diaria y hacer las cosas mas por costumbre que por gusto, ve tomate unas vacaciones o unos días prioriza tu pas mental para evitar el estrés a toda costa prueba cosas nuevas porque si lo ignoras da las ganas de dejar todo porque uno no puede mas. Creo que por parte de muchos no tendremos problemas si te demoras unos dias mas en las semanales puesto que la salud es primero en todo. Me parece una gran idea de ir a al Gym para comenzar una nueva rutina te ayudara a despejar la mente y un poco la rutina. Recuerdo el caso de Butcher hace tiempo hable con el y se le juntaron muchas situaciones que no le dejaban hacer lo que le gustaba eso sumando a la rutina fue muy dificil para el. Por lo que te digo anda date una escapada sal de la ciudad anda a conocer mas partes del pais antes que el ¨genio¨ nos quite los completos XD y si vas al gym come un montón de proteína para ganar masa muscular evita los químicos y en tu primera semana la deadweek si te duele los músculos vuelve a ir para que se pase el dolor XD solo ura unos dias. jaja también te recomiendo poner unos limites de tiempo para tus actividades eso me ayuda mucho a no volverme loco XD ademas de establecer objetivos diarios como los mios por ejemplo bañarme con agua elada :D pero bueno te dejo y no vengas al norte hace un calorrr que no te cuento jajaja bye :D


muchas gracias bro! Si ya estamos en un proceso de cambiar la rituna esperando que eso me ayude. El gym es divertido y definitivamente vere alguna de esos tarros de proteinas que anuncian por la TV para comprar uno, necesito de esos XD. Para la semana santa viajare a la playa con un amigo asi que esa semana no habran updates, lo aviso desde ya ^^. Realmente tu comentario me ayuda mucho tambien porque soy novato en los ejercicios hehe. Muchas gracias man tanto por el apoyo como por los consejos!