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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!

The head of the office, Mr. Doppy, needs an urgent help from his new employee: Wallflower. The reason? Give her a welcome as she deserves! Every new employer has to pass the rookie test: Do the "ice cube challenge" :D .. and of course Wallflower has to do it, MUAHAHAHA!! Wet t-shirts? WELL, OF COURSE YES! *0*!

Hey guys! XD. New week and new drawing with a NEW THEME! And now is the Wallflower turn! ^^. It had been many months since I drew the invisible girl, but here she is very visible and preparing for a great challenge, I hope she can do it, we would love to see that, right? XD Anyway! Remember that this is a WIP!

Work in progress!!! <3. The next character will be Fluttershy and The otherside Rarity Remake <3 




Invisible girl should wear invisible shirt XD It's fair this way 8P


Haven't seen her before but i love it!