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Hi guys!!
This is a version of the Twitter "Kitty dance" meme featuring Sunset XD!. I honestly don't know if this originated on Twitter, but definitely as soon as I watched the videos, I wanted to make my version of that animation myself. But no, I didn't do the animation, I only contributed the base drawing of Sunset (included in the RAR that is in your emails), this magnificent animation was made by @maximussoliniv2 (on Twitter) :D! 

>> This video is just the beginning. I just sent to your emails the RAR file with 3 different versions of this animation (2 different expressions and one full nude), In addition to the base image with their respective alternative versions of Sunset :) (Important: this RAR is only for Tier 2 and Tier 3 users).

Important: Keep in mind that this it doesn't influence the other drawings that I have planned in the short term like the drawing of Starlight, Trixie, Sunset, Sci-twi, Applejack, etc... none of those drawings has been delayed!! Everything follows its normal course. Enjoy the video and I hope you like the rewards! (I mean the RAR in your emails XD).

Thanks again to @maximussoliniv2! ^^





Hahaha! What a pleasant surprise! Thank you Charlie, I loved this


An unexpected gift, but one well received.


Haha nice!! Sunset sure knows how to pull off the catgirl look!


A nice Sunset surprise - it certainly didn’t take much for her to say “yes” to our MC’s suggestion, and I certainly won’t say “no” to seeing future collabs/animations if that’s up your alley!


Well I can defiantly say I did not see that coming. But honestly it's a cool little animation.


hahaha exactly! XD. Sunset found her weakness in that silly face of our MC xd


hehe thanks dragon!! Yes, it is a surprise that I really hope you liked it! ^^


It's a funny feeling, to receive an animation, I did myself XD


Exactly!! ^^ .. you dont have to need to download that file, unless you want the images of Sunset hahaha xD

Kevin Forte

Interesting. Sunset seems to be down with it, unlike some of the other catgirl dances I've seen.


That is adorable and silly. And as usual, my first exposure to a new meme is via pony XD


haha thank you man!! ^^! I saw this meme not long time ago in Twitter xD. I don't know where it originated from, but I wanted to be part of it too hehe :P


DAAAAAAAWWWWW!!! This meme with Sunset is soo adorable 😻 😽💕💓