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"Terrible are the stories that are told about Halloween Havok. It's true that the gentle souls have already left their bodies this gloomy night, and sometimes the darkness comes for you. On nights like this, the one called Celestia unleashes a terrible black mist, and sometimes, his darkness pierces the city. That night is known as Halloween Havok. If Halloween Havok catches you, you will not be able to return. You will be cursed, condemned to wander as a pawn of darkness forever."... ... "And what did you expect... there are no happy endings when Halloween Havok comes for you!"... "Now, get ready my friends because in this night... SHE is here!"

Hey guys!! Here is the drawing and just in time! Our beloved Principal Celestia has turned into an evil being! But don't worry, it's just a costume hehe!! She prepares spooky stories to tell her students inside the haunted Cantelot High School! Are you ready to have the most chilling night of your life? *0*!!
> About the drawing, from the beginning I had the idea that it was Celestia my choise. Yes, I know that Luna would probably have been the best option, but Luna was drawn very recently with the theme: "Jogging", and Celestia hadn't been drawn for 1 year :). I hope you liked Celestia's outfit and this theme, but this is where I have to make an important mention to Kobayashi who inspired me for the outfit, thank you very much! I will definitely talk to him so I can do more stuff like this :D. I hope you like it guys!! <3

>> next: alts and nudes! <3

>> next next: starlight hot spring, applejack, white bridal sunset and other special work!! :D




Wow other male students will be so blush seeing her outfit


Wow. Mighty impressive. She look spectacular. Let’s keep the school dressing policy appropriate though! XD

Joshua Munoz

Great work on Celestia, she looks hot and sexy.


They have deliberately flunk, to stay longer in a school with a principal like that 😏 🐷 😹


Oh my... Principal "Molestia" 🤣 😹 🤣 😹


thank you Joshua!! :D Yes, it really is an extremely hot outfit! Perfect for a Halloween costume! (or that I think hehe XD)


It's always nice when the teachers get involved in the festivities - even in a barely superintendent-approved costume! Wanna bet that the students are going to love it even more if/when Celestia gets "fully involved" in the occasion?


They will be excited if that happen. What's more, I guarantee that the horror stories that she tells them will not have an effect on the students as they are gawking at her milf attributes!! XD

Joshua Munoz

I just realized if this is her evil side outfit, what would her good side outfit look like?


Uff la mama sucuss esta lista para la fiesta pero que dulce pedirá??? jajaja me gusto la temática por fiestas necesito una serie de esto XD. Ahora la pregunta es con que historia nos deleitara Colonist esta ves? El pobre prota podra escapar?? =D


Muchas gracias Raider!! :D Efectivamente nuestra directora esta planeando algo en grande ahi!! Veremos que sucede cuando llegue el momento jajaj XD, entre tanto, Colonist ha de estar preparando la historia para cuando llegue el momento ^^