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"This recording has been sent as evidence that Rarity has been the one who has been intentionally influenced by this strange potion: -Rarity: of course darling, im yours. I will drink that potion and spread it everywhere.  Then, you can do whatever you want to me!- Rarity is under containment. She is patient zero. The clues have been deciphered and everything points to one person... him. Yes, that man whose hair covers his eyes, and with a gray shirt and black pants that belong only to him. We have received another message from him: -Dr. MC Evil: muahahaha! You will never stop me! I've managed to spread this potion all over Canterlot! I will be the king and all the girls will love me! This is just the beginning! Atte: Dr. MC Evil. PS: Now I wear a nice cape, thanks Rarity! :D-" " We have to work on the cure!! Although we still don't know whether to thank him for this or not >_>"

Hi guys!! And now.. *drum roll* hehe.. Rarity in the house! She knows it, we know it... everyone knows it! That she is an incredible woman, and it is a sin not to look at her! (or draw her hehe), so I think she was the perfect continuation this time :)- Now technically the effect would end here.. but I would like to know your opinion if you would like to see Dash, Pinkie and AJ in this theme :). For that I plan to do a character poll very soon! But for now, let's enjoy this beautiful view! Which will bring surprises eventually! If you know what I mean XD. I hope you like it guys!! :D

>> next: alts and nudes!

>> next next: aria blaze, halloween special pic and more!! (poll included)



Crawling Chaos

Such shapely legs, marshmallow lookin extra soft here!


C'mon, you can't leave us hanging! XD I think I already know how that poll is gonna turn out 8) And damn, Rarity has a nice...eyes 8)


Rarity knows what we mortals want. She is our matriarch! hehehe thanks Salazar! I am very happy to know that you liked it!


thank you Crawling! The truth is that this pose was very difficult for me to draw... I hope I have been able to make it "anatomically" correct :) You know better than anyone that I am a lover of good legs! *0*


hahaha thank you man! 8D! The truth is that I am afraid that this theme will bore you, since I have made practically 4 consecutive drawings with the "aphrodisiac effect" theme. I can draw all the girls like this, I have no problems, but I also have to think about you, what do you want to see, what characters, what theme, etc.. ^-^. I would be very happy to know what you think. Also, obviously the poll will come, probably, after the Halloween drawing, there I will add some options and some ideas to know what all of you think :)


Rarity would be an interesting choice to infect first. One one hand, she'd probably show heavier resistance to the effects since she's probably the group's biggest flirt and is used to having more suggestive thoughts as such. Then again, there wouldn't be a better host to spread the influence once you break through that self-control!


This story just gets better and better


Love it! Especially the expressions.


Yea I don't know about Dash AJ and Pinkie, I think Starlight would be a good fit though


absolutely! She herself allowed herself to be influenced, so even though the effect probably wasn't as big as the other girls, it helped her to 'infect' all the other people! Now, herself with or without effect, she is anxious! :D


I totally get it :) .. For now I'll let this theme rest, and when the theme come back, Starlight will definitely be there along with the other girls. I would really like to eventually make a "wallpaper" with all the characters, it would probably also help you to create your wonderful works with the PSDs! :O

Richard Fisher

If you did the other three, you could do Applejack kneeling there next to a dropped basket of apples, Rainbow peeling off her Wonderbolt costume and Pinkie in the kitchen with various creams and syrups spilt all over her.


Oh yea I've got big plans for the sitting poses that have come along lately, after this set gets integrated, space on your previous bed backgrounds could take probably one more character


Uh, pink lingerie for our favorite Marshmallow. Interesting choice of color, I'm curious to see how it fits her 😘


I assure you she will look amazing! She also has a little surprise for Tier 3 users :D. I'm glad you liked it! ^-^

Jason Ramirez

Yes please do the others