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-A mysterious person has started to make use of a strange potion, whose effect is to raise the body temperature with a strong desire for sin! :O .. The first girl to be corrupted by this concoction was Sci-Twi! We have reports and confirmation that the second girl to be corrupted was Sunset, but we still need time to take a photographic sample of her current state! :D. You, as the scientist in charge of finding out about this phenomenon, have to do your best to reverse these effects, while the others guys in charge try to catch the culprit! You have two options: start working on it or let there be more victims? you choose! e_e!-

>> About the drawing: hey guys!! here is finally the drawing! I added a little context for the drawing, just for fun XD, I hope you liked it. The truth is that yes, there is another girl that I plan to draw with this theme, and it will be Sunset (although first I have to work on Bridal Pinkie), so here comes my question: Would you like to see more girls with this theme? Another thing, this Sunday or Monday, I'll do another poll to ask you which theme is your favorite or which ones you would like to see in the short term ^-^. 

I hope you liked the drawing! And in the same way the theme, I have many themes in mind for the future :D YAY!

>> next: alts and nudes! :D

>> next next: bridal pinkie, sunset aphrodisiac effect, izzy (g5) and the rest of the poll characters :D!




I just wish I could have joined here when there was still opportunity to get this image pack u.u


im gonna look for this set bro! Dont worry :D .. just give me a couple of days :)


Acabo de llegar de un viaje de trabajo y me encuentro con esta maravilla. Casi no tengo palabras para expresar lo espectacular que es Sci-Twi. Un gran trabajo 🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍


Not a bad idea for a premise though I'd admit and honestly a good excuse to why they just randomly decide to take off their clothes which means the whole hypno idea is out the window


uy ya esta atacando la chupa vida jajajaja, me parece o te has tomado mas tiempo en este que en tus demás publicaciones? espero con ilusión tu historia para este colono :D


Muchas gracias amigo! Y ojo que lo mejor para el final como siempre! (me refiero a la Sunset.. que hay mi madre! <3 hehe XD)


As you know, I like to give context to the drawings with short stories. For me it would be easy to just draw her like this, but I think it's more fun to give you the imagination, starting with an indication of why Sci-Twi does this, at least in this drawing hehe ^^


te refieres al tiempo entre publicacion o el dibujo? XD. Entre publicacion creo que ha sido el mismo: "WIP > 2 dias > Dibujo terminado > 2 o 3 dias > versiones alts". Si te refieres al dibujo como tal, me tarde aproximadamente 3 dias, o 4 creo.. obviamente ya tenia algo avanzado, pero como sabes, yo tengo que llegar de la oficina, comer, hacer mi vida como cualquier persona y despues dibujar XD


I hear you mate I like it when it has a short story to the image and isn't just this character wearing this thing or is in this pose etc


thanks man!! ^^ Yes, it's much more fun! Probably from now on all drawings will have a short description like this ^^


I thought that's how most people would get their inspiration for an image to draw is because it has a story to tell.


Hey Twi, is it hot in here? Why are you looking at me like that? Twi, why are you taking off your clothes?! Control yourself woman!!! :D Sexy nerd is sexy :) Great work, cant wait to see what this potion does to Sunset!


Damn, Twi has wearing some sexy panties 8D I hope you'll continue with this theme 8)


Please give us Sunset'snaked desire, she has been alone for too long! I'd love to see how Pinkie, Trixie, Maud, and Rarity handle their exposure as well in due time!




thank you Barricade! ^^. It's a good way to give context to this kind of drawings ^^. It is also a good idea to draw the girls with the outfits they wear in the Kotobukiya figures :D


thats right! Thanks man, I really hope to continue with this theme! 8D


absolutely bro!! Sunset Sunset is 100% confirmed as the second girl with this theme, and I give you my word: it will be an epic drawing!! :D .. About the other characters, of course! Remember that this Sunday and Monday I will do the poll to see your opinions on the themes that I have in mind, so I hope to know which one is your favorite there :)


At first I mainly watch equestria girls for sunset but after sci twi came on the scene I had a new waifu. Also why is black lingerie just the sexist thing ever


omg, thanks Jaime! ^^. It's true, this girl has something (which I always assumed was her glasses), that makes her look beautiful no matter how she is drawn! :D. And about the black underwear, I totally agree with you! Sunset, the next girl with this theme, I will also draw her with black underwear, although that color is obvious on her! *0*


SuperSweet 😍 😍 😍 🥰 😘 For lingerie, I think there is Rarity's paw 🐾 ... and she chose very well 😙 😺 P.S.: 😯 + 😍 = 🥰


Absolutely! XD.. i can imagine Rarity in this theme too. OMG e.e .. thanks Petardo! 😁

