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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!! :D

Hi guys! Today it's time for a modeling show! With these temperatures, Octavia and Vinyl enjoy their day off, with wonderful views of both girls! :O . That's right, in this drawing we will can appreciate both Octavia and Vinyl, it's a kind of "rework" of a 2019 drawing that I did, specifically, of Vinyl. But I also wanted to add Octavia to this equation, therefore, this drawing will be of both girls: this first WIP is for Octavia, and the second WIP will be for Vinyl ^-^

I really hope you like this work! Since it will include Vinyl, that she is a character that I have barely drawn, and I accept the blame :(

WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!
WIP#2 will be Vinyl :)

>> IMPORTANT: Once I'm finished this drawing, I'll start working on the characters of the poll that you chose :)




Cutie hot Octavia. Nice


That sexy Octavia 🥰


I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I love Octavia! It's always such a treat to see her, and she's looking good in that bikini!


thanks bro! ^^. I have saved the best for last, like a real show hehe :D


TAVI!!! My pony waifu!


Cute artwork!!!!


Oh yeah! It's been hot as hell here, so I'm ready to cool off in the pool with these fine ladies. Looking forward to Vinyl and seeing them both together! Great start with Octavia!


hehe thanks man!! It's been a long time since I drew Vinyl, not mention that version with Maud hehe XD


Thank you very much Barricade! I'm also preparing surprises with Vinyl that you will soon be able to enjoy hehehe XD

Kevin Forte

Everyone talks about Lyra and Bon Bon to death or even Derpy who's...definitely more popular and also Dr. Hooves, but for me Vinyl and Octavia have always been my favorite of the background mane 6. And judging from this, Octavia's gonna look good. In a sophisticated lady, kind of way.


YAYA! Doubled 😘


The last time I drew Octavia and Vinyl was in 2020 if I remember correctly (both in a drawing), and although I always gave Octavia the privilege, now I think it's Vinyl's turn too, so I'm taking advantage of this make a kind of remake of Vinyl ^^ .. and thanks for the comment on Tavi :). Tomorrow im gonna upload the Vinyl WIP