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Important:  Remember that I am already working on Trixie, Octavia and Vinyl in this moment, this means the options with the most votes will be next once I have finished the 2 previously mentioned drawings :)

Hi guys! and welcome to this new poll! ^^
The truth is that I have many polls in mind, but I have to organize myself first, so the rest of the polls will have to wait while we focus on this one: The following characters that you want to see in the short term!

You will be able to choose many options at the same time.. so here goes! 

I know I may have missed some characters (some not, many of them!) but like I said, I have more polls coming soon where I hope to solve this problem. ^-^

Another important thing: I still have in mind somehow to draw the CMC as adults (yes, CMC adult is canon ^^), I know I said this many times, but remember that this was the reason for my first strike on this platform, so I have to think very well how to do it. I didn't add this option to the poll, but I'm still keeping it in mind.

Anyway, time to vote guys! ^^


Awkward Segway

Yay, Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof! I voted for them and bridal Pinkie Pie!


I kinda want to see your take on the gen 5 girls, Mostly Sunny but Izzy is cool to.


Tough call, but I’m going with Fleur.

Eli Proa

Dude I don't say this enough cause I'm always working but I gotta tell ya bro no homo but I love you. It's like a family love you know we're all like one big unique family here. I'm glad I joined awhile back and thanks for doing what you do I appreciate you for it bro


I vote for bridal pinkie pie

Joshua Munoz

I know this won't be awhile until the polls above are complete but, I hope we see Lyra and Bon Bon now after I read some fimfics and seen artwork of those 2 together.


but of course bro! I dont have forgiveness for the time I've been promising them and I haven't draw them, but now, the wait is over, it's a drawing that will come soon :)


Well, Izzy's option was actually: "MLP Gen 5 into human" with all the girls, but I wanted to start with just one since I can still understand that some people don't like the G5, so I prefer to go little by little. Eventually I'll draw all of them, including Hitch if you want hehe XD


excellent!! remember that you can choose 2, 3, 4 options, or the ones you want, they can be more than one option ^^


woah bro!! thank you Eli Proa! <3 . Thanks to you bro for being here with us, for your huge support and for those wonderful words you have given me in this comment :). You know that I would be nobody without you, without your feedback. You are very important here never forget it! Hugs from Chile bro!


ooh my! Oh I forgot to add that couple of characters to this poll. I will definitely keep them in mind bro! ^^


I don't mind G5 for the most part and Sunny is my favorite out of all of them.


Ah ha! Also going with my girl Derpy (since you drew her so well for me!!!), and then Limestone to complete the other Pie sister trilogy!


Would like to see more of characters you haven't done or were never in EQG like Lightning Dust or Izzy


Shimmy and Lighthoof were one of my couple picks, but any order of the above options sounds good to me! Maybe Lily and/or Daisy from the Flower Trio could be a possibility down the line?


sure bro! I will write those names in my notepad :) . BTW, remember that you can select more options, not only 1 xD


For the Sunset or Sci Twi vote, If that ends up winning, Why not draw both? Maybe you can come up with something that looks wholesome while the nude version looks sexy? Just an Idea c:


I think they already won hehe xD. That's the idea, i mean, drawing both girls but each one in her own drawing. In other words, the idea would be like this (according to the votes in this order): Sci-Twi, Bridal Pinkie, Sunset, the rest of the votes... etc :)


Bridal Ponk? Sign me up!