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Dashie's turn has come! This was a very difficult drawing to think of, the reason is easy and it's that we all know Dash's personality, she is not exactly an extremely feminine girl, so drawing her with a dress is sometimes a double-edged sword (and I understand perfectly). So what did I do here? I based my idea almost entirely on the dress she wore in the Galloping Gala , an episode of MLP, also, I thought of something where she can move her athletic body without fear of tripping x'D.

Alright now seriously, Actually it's like a mix of many factors, but in short, I had a hard time consigning a dress for the type of girl Dashie is, and I thought this outfit would be very pretty on her: Athletic personality but at the same time, stunning female beauty. Also, you are correct, it has a Greek style that I also liked a lot! That's why I added Philomena (Celestia's pet in MLP) in the background XD, come on, Greek mythology!!

I hope you like it guys!! :D

>> next: alts and nudes! ^^

>> next next: sunset forgotten frienship, sonata dusk, polls and more!! :D




Greek-themed, huh? Well, Rainbow’s definitely the type who wants to win - even if it’s something like the Marriage Olympics!


Thanks Pony!! <3.. I have a few more things in mind! And obviously, I hope to know your opinion when I upload the poll of the next characters / ideas ^^


oooh woah XD. Hey that is a great idea! We could say that she is a perfect competitor in the Olympics to win the heart of the MC! hehehe! *0*! Thanks Colonist :)

Joshua Munoz

She looks stunningly beautiful, especially with her element around her neck.


Really interesting direction you went with here. I love your creativity with it. All of your ideas behind the concept make total sense, and you were thoughtful in considering how Dashie would think. The thought of seeing her athletic legs move in this high-cut dress is damn sexy! You really gave this a lot of thought and executed it wonderfully.


hey, you noticed it! XD. You were the first to comment that hehe! That's right, I added her element to the outfit, I think it looks great! ^^ Thank you Joshua!! :D


Thank you bro! It's true, this drawing really was too work for my mind hehe, more than any other, but the final result was great ^^. Also, I added my love for Greek mythology :D!


i swear rainbow is a tomboy through and through but once she wears more feminine clothing she outclasses all the girls in beauty


that's true. Honestly Dashie is an incredible character with a beautiful feminine facet, and sometimes it is necessary to draw her like this to show that she should not be envious of any girl 😃


Yay thank you Awkward! Just wait for the surprise for T3 users in the alts versions 😁


That dress looks like battle armor for a MMORPG game XD If someone happens to be against her getting married, she'll kick his ass without problems XD Also, I just realized, I'm looking too much into her cleavage XD Damn, that dress is hot. And I still dig her hairstyle 8)


Oh my! :O I never really saw it that way, but it's true XD. Hehehe thank you man! What is an elegant wedding dress, without that wonderful cleavage? *0* .. I'm really happy to know that you liked it, thinking of something feminine for Dash is always difficult for me haha.


WOW! A dress with both a classic and Chinese style. Yes, I think that with its exuberant personality it is the top, since it does not offer too much "brake" on the legs 🤣😘


Exactly hahaha XD. Thank you so much Petardo! *0*- Drawing Rainbow Dash wearing dresses is always very difficult for me, but I think sometimes it's necessary to see her cute and feminine side after all! :D


She may be a toughy to others, but shes a feminine sweetheart in my book <3 Amazing job!!


yay!! many thanks Azimuth!! Dash really looks very charming here, and that's why I'm very happy with this work, I'm really glad that you liked it! :D


Yeah, but right after Tree Hugger dropped by to find her, with some of her "special herbs" great for relaxing ... and judging by how she keeps her eyes narrowed in the pictures, I think RD is pretty relaxed (for once) 🤣 😉 😘