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wip wip wip wip WORK IN PROGRESS!!!
Hey guys!! xD! Here is the new WIP (early wip) for the new character and it will be for Octavia!
Charlie, why Octavia? The reason was Octavia's previous drawing. Many of you liked the drawing, and not only that, I learned that Octavia is a character very loved by everyone, so she deserves this, as a secondary character at the level of a main character! *0*!

In adittion, eventually I would like to add her to the theme "Bridal" with Trixie and Starlight (the original plan is just to draw the Mane 7 in Bridal, but if you want to see more characters in wedding dresses, tell me!) :D

Anyway, i hope you like the final pic! ^_^
PS: if you wanna add other expression, you can comment it here :).





Oh my, that wink and blep at us. Looking forward to finished result. ^^

A.F. Unknown

Crei que llevaba puesta una toalla. Fue buena ilusión 🥲


una toalla, huh? Dime el nombre de un personaje y pero claro que la dibujare solo usando toalla *0* .. me gusta la idea, ademas yo tengo una tematica con eso xD.


She needs more love, Her and Vinyl both. 😁


I’m intrigued! It’s a bit hard to tell what her outfit will be like, so that will be a very cool surprise. And I really love what you’re doing with her hair! I always picture her with it down, so this is a nice change for something a bit different. Looking forward to the final product!


thank you bro! ^_^! The outfit will be a pink dress, however I'm working on something extra, but I can't give details yet hehe XD (it's a surprise :3 ). Im not very good at drawing hair, or different hairstyles. Sometimes, I practice drawing sketches in my notebooks, and well, I liked this one :). Hope you like the final result man! :)


You call it bridal, but I'll still say breed-all! Because you know you wanna. It's a rather cute dress design. So long as it's not too aggresively reddish-pink that it would clash with her skin, it's going to look lovely. And that hair bow is very cute.


thanks man! xD! That's right! I mean, I like to draw the girls in wedding dresses (currently working on Applejack too), so once I'm finish with the Mane 7, I'd like to move on to Octavia, Trixie, and Starlight. About the color, it will be a light pink :D .. However, with photoshop I can change the tone of colors to pastels colors ^^.


Revisiting certain characters with the bridal theme certainly allows fresher takes that come with a new dress and a different hairstyle as part of the package. Other expressions, eh? How about that mischievous grin that she had in the night maiden set?


I'll think about it, but it's something I'd definitely like to do eventually :D About the expression, sure! im gonna add it in the final drawing.


What about embarrassed expression? 8D That would be cute, for sure 8)


You know why everyone loves Octavia? Because she's the best and everyone knows it! She's looking great, I love what you did with her hair :)


Thank you Barricade :D!! I could see that when I upload the drawing of Night Maiden. She will definitely be a main character for me! Elegant and beautiful OMG! You are absolutely right 😁!


Uh! Tavi!!! = ^ ω ^ =


Ohhh Octavia con los ojos cerrados 😍

Kevin Forte

Damn right Octavia's popular. I prefer her and Vinyl Scratch more so than Lyra and Bon-Bon.


asi es! se ve tan feliz yay! definitivamente será parte del dibujo final esa version :3


x2 .. I also like Octavia and Vinyl more than Lyra and BonBon. I haven't really redrawn them in a long time, but no one has asked me for them (Lyra recently drew her on a Dakimakura) btw hehe

Sour Power
