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Hi guys!! Here is the drawing of Lemon Zest! :D ..
I read your comments about the lineart of Lemon, and I saw that many of you liked version 1), however, the nature of content creators is to try to found perfection, and also try to make everyone like the drawing (although it's VERY DIFFICULT , since each person has different tastes). It's for that reason I finally decided to make the two versions (with both different arms), in this way, I think that each one can judge and have their favorite version as the case may be. As I said, in the lineart maybe it was not appreciated well, but here you can draw your own conclusions :)

Im gonna do the alts for both versions, so dont worry :D! I hope you like it guys!! And hey! I know maybe some want to see Lemon Zest in a kind of drawing similar to Sunny and Sugarcoat. No problem! because I also plan to redraw Lemon with that theme eventually! (Like Indigo Zap XD) .

>> next: alts and nudes! :D

>> next next: Octavia, Wallflower, Rarity, Indigo?, Fshy... and poll of course!




Looking good! Can't wait for the Alts!


thank you bro! :D .. working on it ^^ .. Did you check your messages and your email? :O


She's gorgeous! 😍 Can't wait to see Indigo Zap with her cute ass! I like how some ppl say she's like a different version of Lightning Dust xD Her design is pretty similar.

Kevin Forte

What's more rare than a Lemon Zest sighting? Her without her headphones.


Our dear Indigo is coming very soon! And well, I think it's true, they both share a similar design O___o ..The drawing will follow the theme of Sunny and Sugarcoat, and I will also redraw Lemon in that theme too <3 XD

Awkward Segway

I still like version 1 better (but again, they both look great!)


Nicely done on Lemon Zest. And she looks spectacular. ^^


It really is not the first time that I draw her without her headphones, there is the swimsuit version without them over there XD


thank you buddy! ^^ I really appreciate your comment. I was very undecided with which pose to draw her, so I decided to do both versions just in case hehe XD


thanks Kevin! ^^ And it's truly rare to see her without her headphones! Let's take the opportunity to look at her ears! Haha XD


Zesty! The skirt’s Shadowbolt livery makes me think that she’s challenging us to a quick game of flag football. Of course, the bigger prize is wearing that flag, and there will be many more things for the taking when that’s taken!


Yay! One of my favorite characters, great job.


Oh I like that! *0*! I definitely want to know what kind of things!! hahaha XD

Sour Power

What a cute pose! She looks so happy!


Now that's a cute girl! Fun girls are always the best! :D


In either version, it's a fun, dynamic pose.


impresionante trabajo, me gusto la atención al detalle que le pones a cada uno de tus dibujos :3


hehe thank you!! I really like Lemon! It really is difficult for me to choose a favorite of the Shadow5 ... they are all wonderful! Hey, maybe I'll steal the waifu from you, like that Derpiboru user muahahaha! XD. Nah, I was just kidding XD. Thanks again dude! ^^


buah.. +1 for you Ryan! A nice smile, or in this case, a sexy evil smirk hahaha, are the best to appreciate the beauty of a girl! :D and if she is fun like Lemon, that is JACKPOT!! <3


thanks a lot Stellarator ^^ . Although everyone told me that pose 1 was better, decide to do both of them, as there may be people who do not understand the context of the pose 1). Sometimes I get stressed out with little things like this hehe.. But I always want to try to meet the expectations of all of you :)


muchas gracias Armando!! Bueno yo soy una persona que cree que el fondo y pequeños detalles, hacen que el dibujo sea mucho mas vistoso y lindo para el espectador :D! Obviamente toma mas tiempo, pero creo que vale la pena ^^. Sobre los rewards y demas, ahora mismo vere el mensaje que me enviaste y comentare todo lo relacionado a eso ahi mismo ^^. Muchas gracias bro!


I like the second design. The way she lifts her skirt and showing some leg. She really is an underrated shadowbolt.


thank you man ^^. Yes, that's why we need to show her more love in her drawings :D


You know, I never gave any thought to Lemon Zest, but your drawings make me think, "hmm, maybe I've been missing out!" This is a really cute pic. Your stuff never disappoints!