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>> Mini Story (The Battle! - Pinkie Pie) - it was uploaded in a PDF file. If you want to read it, you can download it from the attached files :D!

> About the pic: Hi guys! Well, here is the next pic! and it's for the party girl, Pinkie! When I drew Maud Pie, the theme of the drawing was "girl in an apron", but ... hmmm, I don't know. I liked the drawing, and I'm glad you liked it too ^_^, but I don't think I explored that concept of drawing enough. So, I wanted to do another version, but this time using another pose obviously, and with Pinkie, who hadn't drawn her for a long time. :D! Ooof.. I would definitely love to be in that situation ... sadly, it only happens in anime D'x

I hope you like it! Cheers!

>> next: alternatives, nsfw and more!

>> next next: fluttershy! :D




Mini story got very serious :o. Things are getting more intense and Nightmare reveals herself to the main group now. Plus, that temporary dream, one way to probably wake up. XD. So, it's a official battle for our main character now, against the doppelganger. >:o


Ooh, lovely. I can't wait to also see her with a little less on. :D Also, I love her expression there.


Oh cool, we actually see the MC's face in the story.

A.F. Unknown

Oh vaya. Me parece una vista espectacular. Las chicas usando solo esa blusa son una preciosura. Me encanta esa mirada 💖


The dark persona has run amok, and out of all the girls you know, your subconscious memories pick Pinkie. MC couldn't fully feast his eyes, and to add insult to injury, he wasn't even able to try any of Pinkie's dream soup/stew!


muchas gracias bro! Bueno el dibujo "real" era sin esa blusa, pero por temas de... tu sabes, dA y Patreon, no puedo subirla xD, asique dejé esta como la version "standar" y las otras serán las alternativas.. trabajé duro para que todas se vean maravillosas a la vista! :D.


you have a point, why her in first place? ... Hmmmmmmmm!!... anyway, It's a shame that our friend could not see the dream in full ... perhaps if he ends his confrontation quickly, he can dream it again and finish seeing it eventually ;D


I'm waiting for the naked apron version XD You can't just draw someone in an apron and don't include that one XD


That mischievous cat expression is too funny = ^ ω ° =


woah! I know buddy xD, it will be includes in the "alternatives" versions, so dont worry. I cant upload that version here because Patreon can banned me :( .. remember that I already have one strike Dx


Una vez, un amigo menciono lo super bien que se siente cuando tu novia esta desnuda pero usando tu camisa para cubrirse. Esta ocasión pinkie demuestra ese sentimiento c:


hehehe exactamente! En estas ocaciones, podemos disfrutar de una maravillosa vista sin culpa alguna! :D (yo nunca he sentido eso :( .. Sad time u.u)