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#TeamCelestia or #TeamLuna? xD

Hi guys! Here is the drawings of the Summer Celestia and Summer Luna! Both girls are in a confrontation for knowing which of them is the favorite! It's difficult choice, but here, we are the judges! Ufff .. You don't know how I would like to be there in middle of them two! *¬*! About the background, I think there's not much to say, it's a beach, although I'm making changes in the effect of water to make it more pretty in view. OH, and if you want a Wallpaper version, I can do it for all of you! :)

I hope you like it guys!! :D

>> next: alts and nudes! :D

>> next next: Juniper gym class, Pinkie pie, Fshy, gloriosa and more!!



A.F. Unknown

Por ese traje de solo un conjunto me quedo con Luna. Tiene una figura increible 💖


Asi es, Luna es una mujer maravillosa! En general, no es un pecado disfrutar de la figura de mujeres maduras *-*


Uy, esta buena la pelea de Milf. La mayor o la Menor esta difícil decidir. XD


I feel like if they tussle, Celestia's swimsuit is at risk of coming off... Proceed. :) (also, the thing you did with the water looks good)


Careful Celestia and Luna. You don't wanna be caught acting "unprofessionally" in public. Also, Juni is next and I can already tell it's gonna be hot.


Adding in the "rushing in" effect makes it look like you're about to tumble in and become the involuntary judge between these two. The difference may be a night and day one, but it's likely going to be a close call with whatever these two are squaring off to do!


haha exactamente! Imagina estar ahi en medio bro, no estaria nada mal e.e


Probably that happens in the other versions hahaha x'D. Thanks mate! :D


Exactly! They should be very careful, since the public (all of us ^0^) has to see them to judge them! xD! Here in Chile we are already in summer, and soon it will be autumn, but I think the heat will not disappear soon!


ooh good point! hehehe I added that effect because it seemed great!, although I also added the version without that effect. But yes, you're right xD... uff, we have a great job to be the judges here!


The question is: Does Celestia wear something under that skirt? If not, she's winning by shamelesness XD


hahaha! Yes, she dresses something under that skirt! In the alternative versions we will can see it! xD


SuperLOL = ^ ☐ ^ =