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Hmm, I think Maud Pie needs to learn from Pinkie! hahaha x'D!
Hey guys! Well, here is the drawing of Maud Pie.. maybe you already know, but this is the first time I've drawn her. I liked the result, I didn't want to change her outfit or her hair or anything like that ... being my first time drawing her, I wanted to make her original clothes :).  

Another thing I wanted to comment: according of your comments on the characters of the G5,. Loud and clear my friends, Im not going to draw them for now, in the meantime, I will continue with the drawings that I already had planned :D!  Anyway, It comes a drawing of Luna, Celestia, the adult CMC (hopefully soon), Fluttershy (and the rest of the Mane 7), and obviously, the characters from the previous poll! Besides, I would like to make human versions of MLP characters, you have given me many names, so I think it is time to make them come true! ^_^!

Okay, I really hope you like the drawing guys! For me, Maud is an excellent character, she has many fan arts, so now we will add one more with the mine :3

>> next: alternatives and more versions!

>> next next: Luna and Celestia




The tastiest of pies :3


Awww. Poor Maud Pie. Hopefully someone is there to help her up.


of course! She is looking at us in that drawing, , waiting for us to help her :D


Awww... I would help her, but the kitchen would be on fire pretty fast XD I can help her clear the mess, though 8)


Hahaha, that would be very helpful! I would make a mess too, but with helping her clean, no problem º3º


Nose si asustarme o asombrarme cuando Maud expresa algo (su rostro) o_o. Lindas piernas c: c:


te sere honesto, le diste en el clavo con este comentario jeje. La verdad es que la idea inicial era hacer su expresion clasica (o sea, inexpresiva xD), pero opte por una expresion ya diferente porque al ser mi primer dibujo de ella, crei que seria aburrido de verla con esa expresion. Queria hacer algo inusual.. no se si sea del gusto de la mayoria, pero sino, puedo hacer alguna version extra con su cara clasica. :O


Let's hope this cooking show wasn't live! Maud would probably excel at another cooking method if baking wasn't her thing - rocks in a pit or stone boiling perhaps?


I can't think of an appropriate lewd quip, but this is cute and sexy. :)


Oh! that would be a problem! But even if her food doesn't look good, the intention of preparing food with her own hands is already a beautiful act of her :3


thanks Stellarator! :D! Well, I think Maud Pie is preparing us something delicious !!, or at least she tried to do that hahahaha! The idea of the drawing was to make the classic "naked" girl with the apron. Anyway, I plan to draw another girl with the same theme of "naked" with an apron but in a different angle and pose ^^ ..


This would turn me into a Maud fan


heheh woah! thank you MissCheerilee! :D I always get nervous when I draw a character for first time xD, I would like it to be well received by everyone, but that is very difficult. Even so, Im happy to know that you like this drawing! ^^


Dh'o! Poor Pie . . . = > ☐ < =


hehe! It's our duty to help her! :3 - Anyway, this drawing is a test for a future drawing of "girls in aprons"! :D, what do you think about "naked girls in aprons"? :O