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>> Mini Story (Wedding Dress Sci-Twi ) - it was uploaded in a PDF file. If you want to read it, you can download it from the attached files :D!

>> About the pic: And here is the pic! :D! A few month ago, I made a drawing of Princess Twilight ... I know that many users probably do not agree with having again this character, however, keep in mind that, technically, they are not the same character x'D ... that was the main reason why I added this character to the previous Poll.

I must add that this drawing is an inspiration from the videogame "honkai impact" ^-^ - Could it be some kind of cosplay? maybe?

As for Sci-Twi's hair ... I took the risk. I know there are people who are not fans of short hair on girls, and of course I respect them. However, I wanted to give myself this opportunity to draw Sci-Twi with a new type of hair, it's not super detailed, don't get me wrong, it's basically the same hair as Twilight, but short hehehe... regardless of personal taste for a type hair or other, I hope you like how this character turned out in unusual short hair ^ - ^! - I hope you like it!! Cheers!

>> next: alts and nudes!

>> next next: sour sweet, sunset shimmer and more character of the poll!




She turned out beautifully! Liked the mini story of what the two got into. Nice job there. :D


Oh... wow... That's hot~


And damn, I did not expect "you know who" to be making an appearance. I guess this is what happens after one of the endings of... that other story.


Did I propose to her? It's best not to question it, so yes I did. And with a girl as cute and attractive as her, why wouldn't I marry her XD


That's pretty sexy for a wedding dress. I like! Also, what you did with her hair is cute.


uffff... im fact, she proposes it to you *0* ... yes, my response would be: YES!!!!!!!!


thank you Stellarator ^-^! I personally liked her short hair style, as I said, it is not a big deal either, but still, I understand that there may be users who don't like it.


HNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG *se desmaya* ... Me repongo 1 hora después (xD) ... Bro, te quedó excelente! La mejor waifu de la historia! 10/10 Me hizo acordar algo a "Wedding Peach" no sé por qué. A decir verdad, a Sci-Twi le quedaría bien como una "Magical Girl". Finalmente, como mencionaste, espero ver a las demás Mane 6 o 7 con vestido de novia, (mejor no hagas poll, yo SI quiero verlas de todas maneras xDDDD)


Es idea mia, o twilight esta ligeramente mas 'thicc' de las piernas en este? Si es asi EXCELENTE!! me encanta ^^ estas mejorando sin duda :DD


jajaja!! xD! muchisimas gracias U.R.! Claramente Sci-Twi es un personaje que le queda bien la mayoria de los atuendos! Y creo que la idea de chica magica es perfecta, ya lo vimos en el dibujo que hice de Princess Twilight, que la idea de ese atuendo era precisamente la inspiracion de una chica magica :3 !.. en fin, claramente estoy barajando la posibilidad de todas las chicas en vestidos de novia. De todas formas buscare referencias de atuendos y trajes de novia de videojuegos o series anime, y ahi podria hacer una especie de "cosplay" de las chicas. Seria genial!


he leido esa expresion "thicc", llamame ignorante, pero no tengo idea que significa realmente, espero que algo bueno! Sino, pues quedo atento a cualquier critica constructiva! :) .. Muchas gracias Oxigenated! ^-^


Oh, WOW! She's gorgeous! You did right making her hair shorter, it looks great. The dress is shorter than I thought it was going to be, not that I'm going to complain of course :)


This is AMAZING! This is by far the best Bride Sci-Twi pic i have seen, and the story is great too


Oh, she is perfect. It's all I could hope for. Her body and her dress are divine both. The story fits perfectly too. Love her so much in there. Also, it seems you're having fun with it! Glad to see you play on. New boi be looking like Dracula, Castlevania edition. What is Canterlot High? A miserable little pile of waifus! Side note, funny that you should mention Honkai Impact. While I haven't done that game, I've seen examples from trying out Genshin. I could see the similarity to its styles... And at the same time, I couldn't avoid comparing Genshin's Sucrose to SciTwi. Another cosplay for the future, perhaps? It's two perfect science waifus with cute animal ears (Twi's are transformation-only but still!) that go perfectly as one. And don't worry so much about what people may like or dislike! There're at least as many people happy to see SciTwi again as those who might not be, and at least as many short hair lovers as those of long hair. Besides, this is more or less her "normal" length anyway, and so beautifully done at that.


My my what a beautiful bride she is which I'd happily say I do to her. Marvelous work as always man keep it up

Sour Power

Oh wow! She looks great!


hehehe thank you Barri! The dress inspired me by the honkai impact video game, I modified it a bit... and yes, I shortened it hehe, but I'm glad you liked it ^ - ^! About her short hair, it's like I say ... a double-edged sword, some people will like it, others will not like it ... but I have to respect all tastes :)


yay! thank you Specter! ^-^! Yes, we already present the new enemy! :O hehe!


Very good comparison with Castlevania, in fact I love that game ... Super Castlevania 4 is my favorite, I also really enjoyed Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness from Ps2 xD! -- Yes, i know what you mean with Genshin... it's an amazing game, And I'm not going to lie to you, I was about to draw a picture of this Twilight wearing an outfit from those girls ... actually I like the idea of "cosplay" from Genshin Impact ... they have beautiful outfits! I'll think about it. And about the hair, thanks Twi ^-^.. really. I think that is a double-edged sword, some people will like it, others will not like it ... but I have to respect all tastes :) .. for me, she looks so cute with the short hair, but here, all of you are the judges :)


Whoa man! Even with the short hair and short dress, Sci-Twi’s still hasn’t lost her adorkable shine. She looks like she’s about ready to elope with the MC right then and there! And so the new villain arc begins as well, huh?


yay! thanks Colonist! xD! I love Sci-Twi, she is just gorgeous with whatever outfit she wears :). About the story... I wanted to make known immediately who will be the villain from now on ... in this way, I can tell little by little, in short stories like this, his plans for the future, and what is the reason for his return :D


AMAZING!!! = ❤ ₒ ❤ =


Muchas gracias bro :D! Unas buenas piernas dan un aire mucho mas sexy en las chicas, o eso creo yo x'D! Me alegra que te haya gustado, sobre todo las piernas 8D!