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EDIT: head and mouth fixed :D

WOLAS! haha!
Rainbow Dash is practically an athlete and she says that the exercise is good for our health, so it's important to run every morning for a healthy life :)

Now she changes into a more comfortable outfit for the occasion, and invites us to run! Will we be able to run with her, or will we die trying? x'D .. I remember my days in gym class, OMG ... I get tired just thinking about the bloody works of our teacher hahah.. however, I would gladly agree to jog along with Dashie! woooo!!

Anyway, here is the R.Dash pic :) I hope you like it!! :D

>> next next: Rarity + poll




Oh my beautiful... O.o


Looks like the bulk of the exercise will take place in the showers. And/or perhaps on and near this bench too. Or, perhaps, she's going to offer a special prize which will involve the above if we do well by her standards. On the more art-related note, the style shows a bit of its limitations on the side-view of her face - it has difficulty portraying this angle, though it's not crippling. Can't really do the roundness of her cheeks and side of her jaw and cheekbones too well without shading them - and that'd be a very different style already. (Not that I would mind experiments, of course!) The rest of the body is visibly more perfectly in fitting with it - particularly loving the light and shapes of her body from her legs to her torso. And inside her cleavage too.

Awkward Segway

This is beautiful - one of your best works (so far) in my opinion.

Eli Proa

I would walk 500 miles and I'd 500 more, just to be the man. *Mic drop*


De mis años en el fandom Rainbow es la que menos me intereso y ni se diga en material nsfw xd. Pero usted señor es el unico artista que hace que me emocione cada que sacas algo de Rainbow dash o_o. Excelente trabajo :DD


Wew. That's a shapely ass ;)


That's quite the outfit she's got there~


I rechecked her left side of her cheek and I think it was a little bigger. I already fix that detail and I think it looks better now :). However, make no mistake about it, my intention is to make her face 3/4 left, and i think looks great x'D.. I literally used a Hasbro reference to draw it haha.


yay! thank you Awkward! I just updated the drawing on her face (fixed it) ... now she should look better ^^


I wasn't the biggest fan of RD, but I think I'm in love now owo


muchas gracias hermano! Gran punto haz comentado aquí, yo he visto que de hecho, R. Dash es la menos popular de las Mane 7.. creo que de igual forma, cada persona que la dibuja, puede darle algun toque personal para lograr que sea de interés, o al menos, intentar llamar la atención de ese viewer que prefiere otro personaje (totalmente comprensible).. de todas formas, cada persona tiene a su personaje favorito y eso es así.. como tambien hay personajes detestables en el fandom (Wallflower y Juniper por ejemplo, hay quienes las aman y las odian, ya me han comentado en aquel dibujo que hice de ambas, me han dicho: "porque dbujaste a Wallflower!! Juniper sola era perfecta!!" hahaha xD). En fin, nuevamente, muchas gracias por tus palabras bro! :D


:D Me like!


hehehe yay! She already proved to have a good butt in the episode where she did Yoga with Sunset e.e


many thanks Ryan!! :D .. I know RD is not the most popular of the Mane 7 (ahem Sunset, ahem Rarity), but she has her own charm too ^^.


Me either, in fact I get tired just watching to the people run hahaha!!, but I agree ... with her, I would start my regimen right now!

Sour Power

I can't be the only one who wants to watch her jog while she's wearing that top.


uuufff... that would be so hot! And what about a Sour Sweet in a tight outfit like this? :O


If this jog is our trial period, then perhaps we’ll be rewarded with a full membership upon successful completion to RD’s standards! Benefits include unlimited use of the shower facilities and personalized access to her “endurance training” sessions...for full members only...and their “members.”


Que recuerdos de las clases de Atletismo, con un profesor gordo para variar. XD Me encanta como te quedo al final (con las mejoras). Me parece ahora con las proporciones se parecen mas a las de la serie con tu toque picante. Me encanta como te quedo solo falta tu PDF y te quedaría mas genial XD


hahaha muchas gracias bro! En efecto, me arregle un poco el rostro, sobre todo su mejilla izquierda ^^. Nosotros teniamos una profesora, tenia igual buena figura, asique cuando ella usaba ropa apretada como esta, bueno, entenderas lo que haciamos los varones en esa clase jajaja xD. En fin, muchas gracias bro! Bueno este dibujo no tiene historia si es a eso lo que te refieres (por el PDF), pero la siguiente para Rarity lo tendrá sin falta :D


Who cares about running? Let just stay like this, so I can look more at that beautiful cleavage 8D


A very cute and sexy pose = ^ ω ^ =