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>> Pinkie's B-Day! (Mini-Story) was uploaded in a Word and PDF file. If you want to read it, you can download it from the attached files :D, thanks!

About the pic: Hi guys! Finally here is the drawing of Pinkie Pie! Do you remember the last time I drew her? UFF ... it was a long time ago. Today, Pinkie returns with her own drawing ^^! The truth is that I liked the result of the shading, but this is personal ... I mean, I made subtle changes to the shading body and some parts of the dress. It may not show with the naked eye, and I'm still practicing it, but hopefully you like it.

>> next: alts and nudes! :D

>> next next: Twilight, Somnambula, Fluttershy and more!!



Awkward Segway

I love it! Pinkie's so cute and sexy!


Squee! Also, while I don't know which bit you mean, the shading in general looks nice. It's cool how you kind of combine basic cell shading in some places with smoother shading in other places. Drawing the ruffles in the dress must have been fun. :D

A.F. Unknown

Escote! Me encantan esas piernas, muy finas 💖


On second look, the hair shading is also really eye catching. Pretty!


You always knock it out of the park with Pinkie! Can't wait to see the NSFW versions of this 😁


Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! Nice Pinkie Pie artwork by the way. Now to resume thinking "Oh crap!" continuously for another two minutes.


Oh boy, is Anon really gonna be taken away by the Storm King?


Oh wow pinkie looks amazing!


thanks Stellarator! yeah well... To be honest, I don't like to draw dresses xD I'm not good at draw them and i still have to practice, but hey, I hope you liked it: D


the next part is for the next drawing and there will be a surprise for that! :D

Andrew LaVoice

That Pinkie kiss was so cute! Also, craparooni at the end there!


Another great outfit with great details to boot! Although the story is to be continued, if the party gets put on hold whilst the conflict ensues, there’s usually an “after party” for those who didn’t party enough (or if Pinkie’s feeling for a private post-conflict party for two...just to pick up where she’s left off.).


jeje thanks Andrew! Oh you read my stories? :O! I hope you like them :D


well, i have a surprise for the next story (it will be done with the next pic of Twilight).. and you right, however If the party continues, it will depend on you! (more details soon :D!


Now that's a royal-grade panty shot, and a royal-grade panty at that. Well done. Obviously couldn't help but fist-pump when Pinkie finally gave the kiss like that. Thanks for making her make up for being a nuisance at the start and acknowledge things, it suits her character better. And I love how her face looks there, too - honestly? It's even better than in the main picture. And bonus points for Pinkie deciding to turn it into a harem anime instead of fighting over the MC. And hey, this kinda-sorta counts as the EqGs being magical girls~ Finally, a transformation and everything. Hopefully they'll get to actually use shiny powers next time, though. Bonus points for RD quoting, intentionally or not, the birthday party song from season 4... the one Pinkie sang for RD in that one! Right back at (an alternate) her. Worked out very well. Here's hoping there'll be a birthday after-party for Pinkie, and here's to a great second arc to this impromptu story, now in full harem anime plot glory. That'll fit it well.


Pretty pinkie man love it. Looking forward to the edits

Sour Power

She looks so pretty! And I like the sparkly dress.


Wow this is great! Really like how Pinkie looks in the dress 😍 For the nude edit maybe you could mess around with how her nipples look and make them larger this time around :o


looking good!


wow, many thanks Twi ^^. As I said before, this story was too long since it's the "last story", so I decided to write it in two parts. The second part is obviously the direct continuation and I did something very special about that. I spent days preparing it and thinking about every detail, and I really hope you like it ^^. And great eye you have o.o, no one had noticed that details of RD.


I added Those sparkles at the last minute ... originally it was going to be just a flat blue dress, but seriously, it looks so much better with those sparkles: D.. Thanks Eric! :D

Jose Benito Torres Medina

Santa Cachucha!!!!!! Ahora si' se acabo' el Mundo!!! Como podra`n Las Chicas Equestria sobreponerse a esta amenaza?! Y cu'al es el secreto del Dummy, que ahora es el intere's roma`ntico de nuestras heroi'nas?! No se pierdan el pro'ximo episodio, a la misma Pony-hora y en el mismo Pony-canal! Ma's una ilustracio'n de la versio'n humana de Cozy y el Rey Tormenta.

Crawling Chaos

Million dollar smile <3 and her shoes are cute too!


lol bien dicho hermano xD. Muchas gracias por darte el tiempo de leer las historias tambien ^^. Espero que te gusten :3. La siguiente se viene muy pronto!!


thanks Crawling! :D .. Pinkie is so cute, and her smile is very captivating :D!