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 >> Sunset (Our "reunion" w/ Sunset) Mini-Story was uploaded in a Word and PDF file. If you want to read it, you can download it from the attached files :D 

 About the pic:  Hi guys! here Charlie XD. Well, this is the Sunset pic!!  As I said before, it is a drawing that I had planned a couple of weeks ago. After many sketches, I decided to use this pose for her ... I really liked the result, but I will not lie to you, I worked a lot in the hip and pelvic area, for some reason it was the most difficult thing to make it look "good" in terms of anatomy (Yes, I know that EG are cartoons and the laws of anatomy don't matter, but hey, I'd rather spend 2 hours drawing a hip, than just 10 minutes and make it look bad.)

Now the background, it was very difficult to make it look like a "park", but I think it doesn't look too bad x'D. My weakness is parks or BGs with many trees / plants, it always takes me too long to do them, but I hope you liked it ^^! Cheers!

>> next: alternatives and nudes!

>> next: Frosty orange, Fluttershy, Pinkie, more minor characters > new poll incoming!




Yay, Sunset is warming up to the MC finally! :D


Honestly the bg doesn't look bad at all. Plus, it allows us to get more creative story wise with our own EG harem story XDD


thanks Ryan! I wasn't sure of the background, but I decided to do this even knowing it would take a long time! I'm glad you liked it!


El dibujo está hermoso!! Realmente se nota tu esfuerzo, no importa que sea Cartoon, que el tamaño de los ojos de los personajes sea mayor que el de su boca no significa que no lleve esfuerzo hacer que su cuerpo quede lo mejor proporcionado :3 te felicito por ello CharlieXe. Y... Hoy tenemos mini historia Chavales UwU


You spoil us with those backgrounds. Great bodies are always the center of attention for us, sure, but you keep on putting so much effort into the backgrounds it has to be commended. Some people don't put this much effort into their whole landscape pictures. And yet it still retains a kind of "showlike" feel to it too - perfectly fitting for the "showlike, though improved" girls too! Red-headed tsundere coming out in full force~ I'm very happy you went along with what I mentioned and had her soft-confess, this makes the whole situation a lot less abusive-feeling and a lot more love-dodecahedron-y, which is great for this "meta-story" with the MC. It's also definitely like Sunset to request a date like that~ Well done with making it from Sunset's PoV too, it's both a nice change and gives us insight into those lovely inner monologues and feelings (and I do treasure Sunset's feelings!). Funny she should say she's not feminine - she's very much feminine in practice, though it's not unlikely for her to -believe- she isn't. And I do have to say I'm very happy it isn't the MC being made out to be the bad guy over endless misunderstandings - there had to be a break in this, and having Sunset fully go into that warms my heart a lot. She's pricelessly precious here <3 Kind of hoping for a bonus kiss pic eventually after her confessions and forgiveness... maybe not this turn, but some other time. Back to the picture itself... Indeed, I can already see that Bunset Shimmer is coming along very nicely. I can see the extra effort you put into her rear - already loving the shape of it, and I know how good it will be under the clothes. The foreshortening on the arm is okay (though not 100% perfect), the pose is great with how dynamic and happy it looks, and the only "real" weakness I can point out is that her right foot feels too long and a bit misshapen because of it, particularly compared to the perfect left foot size. Still, you got it close enough, and we'll be looking at the rest of her anyway, so it's forgivable - just giving you a pointer for what to look for next! This time, I think it was the angle of her foot position that threw you off a bit. Either way, thank you for turning the meta-story from endless MC abuse into Sunset realizing the truth. Maybe a revenge on Pinkie is in the works after all this, after she realizes she's been setting the MC up to look bad all this time - perhaps at her birthday party, even? The malicious prankster deserves a fitting, sexy punishment!


Uh, oh! It's Cozy Glow! Fantastic work! I love everything about this; Sunset, the background, the story. This is good stuff!


muchisimas gracias Oscar! Exactamente es como dices, a veces la gente no toma en cuenta la anatomia de un personaje, solo porque sea "cartoon".. tal vez tengan un punto, pero no se si queda bien plasmado en un dibujo. Me alegro que les haya gustado en verdad :) .. aunque parecia poca cosa, me quebre la cabeza con la zona pelvica aquí x'D


Excellent comment and thank you very much for writing it. I'm glad you took the time to read the mini-story (mini ... I don't know, 14 pages! X'D). As you have said, sometimes it is not just the character, but the background plays a fundamental role in the drawing, you will hardly see me make a drawing with a white background or mono color (unless it is with the intention of being a Wallpaper), but I always want to convey that environment and context in the drawing :) -- really thank you! As for the story, i'm developing it little by little, I like the idea of adding mini-drawings, so it look like a "visual novel" but in PDF format xD. -- As for the foot, maybe it looks like this because of the sandal (Or do you mean that line on one of her fingers? the finger was supposed to be a little bent, but yeah, maybe it doesn't look good x'D.), I'll see if I can modify it in future alternative versions a bit. But as I checked it, it didn't look bad, although I insist, I'll check it!


many thanks Barricade!! :D! Thank you very much for taking the time to read the story, and I'm glad you like the drawing and the background ^_^!


That ending with Cozy Glow. That's not good...


This one is so adorable and sweet. I love it.


It’s always a hit and zero misses when it comes to the outfits you choose! Nice to see our guy agree to this “hang out” and not get pummeled - shows his willingness to be a friend despite the previous misunderstandings. He needs to be so now more than ever if this new villain arc is about to begin. Hopefully his previous experience on the side of evil will help him against it!


Ironically I have a feeling Charlie will give her a better story and character than DHX did.


thanks Stellarator! and once again, thanks for your help with the Sonata japanese phrases ^_^!


wow thank you Colonist!! :D! Did you really like the outfit? I'm really glad to read that! ^^ .. and you right!! And the other stranger guy who was with Cozy Glow, is the criminal friend who stole jewels that you mentioned in the Sonata mini-story! :D .. However, now he is no longer a simple jewel thief! :O


Lovely of sunset buddy sorry I've not messaged on your past ones been busy but still keep up the awesome job


Dem booty tho. gran trabajo. Me encanta la anatomia y la iluminación que le pusiste ^^. Ese ending con Cozy Glow, planeas realizar algo con ella en un futuro :0 ?


no problem pal!! many thanks!! ^^ - I will always give my best in each drawing! :D


jajaja muchas gracias, como habia dicho, la zona de la cadera (junto con el trasero), aunque parece facil, fué lo mas dificil de hacer para que se viera "anatomicamente" correcto usando esta pose, me alegra que te haya gustado ^^. Pero claro que yes, se viene algo con Cozy :O! Ademas, siempre he querido dibujarla, aunque me frena el hecho de que tuve algunos problemas con Diamond Tiara, y ni hablar con las CMC, casi me banean con ese x'D, asi que ire poco a poco con ella.


Simply Amazing!