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Hi again guys! xD
Here is the next pic and it's for our favorite teacher: Miss Cheerilee ^^
As I said earlier, I watched an MLP episode where Rarity, RD, and AJ run in a race with their little sisters, and there Miss Cheerilee was wearing a cheerleader outfit. I tried to draw her as similar as possible but in her human version ... I hope I have managed to capture the original idea of the series, but in human Cheerilee xD. Obviously, I also hope you like this drawing :)


>> next: alternatives and nudes :D!

>> next next:  Rarity, Starlight, Sonata, Pinkie and more!! 




I do approve this cheer! Go Team! :D


Cute. Almost as if she's not wearing a thing beneath that skirt


thank you Ryan ^^ .. offtopic: I read your analysis of J. Park, excellent pal!


Nice, full-bodied Cheeri-leader: If she was a cheerleader in her school days, it looks like she’s still got it here! Also a callback to your FS, AJ, and PP auditorium cheer picture from a while back? Whenever I see seagulls though, I can’t help but to think that she’s either by the water or in the middle of a parking lot.


Simultaneously adorable and sexy. And that skirt, tantalizingly flying up just ALMOST far enough...


thanks Colonist :D! Yes, I remember that I drew the Mane 7 in cheerleader outfits a while ago xD.


hehe thanks Stellarator :D! Those little skirts make the imagination fly heheh xD


That is one cute schoolteacher. Good job on the cheerleader outfit!


Give me a C Give me an H Give me an E Give me an E Give me an R Give me an I Give me an L Give me an E Give me an E What do you get? Cheerilee!


I like to think she isn't much older than the students. Her body looks amazing, love how you can see all of her curves well through her clothing due to how it's airy from motion, and gotta thank you a lot for all the great work you do on said clothing. Funny - it's the naked form we want to see, but you do perhaps even better artwork with the clothing that's to be taken off.


Ooh lovely work she really puts the cheer in Cherrile. Wonderful job as always buddy keep it up

Sour Power

Where were all the good looking teachers when I was in school?! XD


It's the question that I ask myself every day too! Although I remember my English teacher, she was very pretty e.e


thanks Twilight xD! I liked the final result of Cheerilee pic, but as I always say, you are the judges. I'm glad I met expectations of everyone with this drawing :D!

A.F. Unknown

Que piernas! <3


Wow, the best EQ Cheerilee I've seen!