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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!
Hey guys! here is the next drawing! and it will be for Octavia :D! - First of all, I know I still have to draw the remaining characters in the poll, I haven't forgotten ... but I also need to give some love to other characters that I didn't add in that poll. Sonata got a lot of votes too, so her drawing is on the way ^^

But meanwhile, i hope you like the final drawing of Octavia :)
WIP WIP WIP!!! work in progress!!




I feel like that outfit may be impractical for cleaning and domestic work. :P


Maybe it's just a cosplay x'D ... that's where I leave this to the imagination hahaha. Hey Stellarator, when I do the Sonata and Adagio drawings, just if you have time, could you help me again with some Japanese phrases? If you can not there's no problem!! ^^

Eric MikaFan C

That looks more like a swimsuit than a maid outfit


Half wishing that Maid Tavi will be directly seducing the MC. He needs a break after all the tsunderes.


Honestly, I didn't have a story planned for this drawing, but if I think of something, even if it's something fun, I'll write it xD.


A Maid-Bikini? Cool! Tavi Maid? SUPERCOOL!!! = ^ . ^ =