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-mini story *-* -

-A few days ago Pinkie wanted to tell me something, but obviously I'm not an idiot. I have avoided her because I don't want to be part of her stupid things, HA! im ready to-...

Pinkie: HI DUMMY!!!! *hugs you*

You: *cof* GWAAAAH!!! get off me!!
-Pinkie has superhuman strength! Just a hug almost took my breath away! Dx-

You: geez, it's impossible to run away from you huh?. What do you want now...

Pinkie: Hey relax, I'm not alone here ^^

-Hmm it's true, across the street is Fluttershy. Although... Hmm... I'm not sure.. i cant distinguish her, but that pink hair is unmistakable. Still, for some reason I have a bad feeling about this :S-

Pinkie: We wanted to invite you to-...

You: Will you be there?

Pinkie: yes! :D

You: NO.

Pinkie: W-What is that supposed to mean, rude! Dx

You: You know, I've already been humiliated, beaten and my reputation is on the ground. The infamous dignity I have left, I want to keep intact if you don't mind. See ya :D!

-I turn around and leave the place. However...-

Pinkie: *sigh* Fluttershy will be very sad because this was her idea :'(. She hasn't forgotten that moment at the costume event yet, you remember it right?

You: ...!
-Dammit. Just think about that and I bet my face looks red as a tomato x(..-

Pinkie: I mean, you two looked so- ...

You: ALRIGHT!! Alright!

Pinkie: hehe nice! Fluttershy sent you this letter, but she is very "shy" HAH!.. ahmm, so I give it to you. See you later!

-The letter says that Fshy will wait for us at her house at 3:00 pm to discuss the invitation they wanted to give me.
I think I'll have to go to Fshy's house to find out. Still, something worries me ... I've developed a sixth sense as an alert to a possible dirty trick by Pinkie. I would love to have the power to read mind or auras... or something!! Hey, would you mind giving me a geode with any power?!...-

--- 3:00 pm ---

-I'm in Fluttershy's house... I knock on the door but nothing is heard.
I immediately remember the Sunset incident. The view was wonderful, but the beating I received still hurts :S . I will not make the same mistake twice! -

*knock knock*

You: hello? Fluttershy? 


-OMG! It's an SMS from Fshy. She says I can wait in her room, apparently she went to buy some snacks-.

You: Do you really think I'm stupid?
-I check the number of the sender of the message ... if it's not the cell number of Fshy, I leave immediately (... ... ...)
Well, actually, the message was sent from Fluttershy's number. I would like to call her but I don't have minutes on my phone x(! ... *sigh* Let's get this over with. *You go into her room*
Woah, Fluttershy's room smells really good O///o. Something that caught my attention is that notebook with a little open padlock on her bed. Oh what! It's her diary :O! ... ... ...-

You: <_< ......... >_>
-Just a glance won't hurt anyone hehehe!
The notes are mainly about her friends, and I can see that she really cares about everyone. I can't help smiling. Sunset, Twilight, Dashie, AJ, Pinkie and Rarity love her very much. Hmm.. what is this... "Hide, we're here :)"-

-I didn't even have time to sweat, and I listen to the voices of the girls in the hallway....-

Rarity: I will do magic with this, girls! All of you will look very cute! :D!

Twilight: As long as it doesn't look like that cat outfit, everything will be fine hehe >///<

Pinkie: Come on Twi, you looked so sexy. Meow us! :3

Sunset: Pinkie, enough U.U''

-I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm damn dead!
How did this happen!? Im sure that the message was from Fshy! And she was with Pinkie this morning! I'm not going to stay here to find out!
It's a second floor, I could climb the tree... No!!, it's not an option!... oh man, oh man... every second counts! Hey, that's it! I promptly slip into the cramped closet. Just in time! i can hear the door to Fshy's room open.
I calm my breathing while i peek into the room through sliding door's opening.-

Pinkie: Finally at home :D!

Fluttershy: Shopping is so much fun ^^

Rarity: you know it Fluttershy! :D! We urgently needed new swimsuits ^^

-I'm sure Pinkie is behind of this!! For now, I need to stay calm until they leave to get out of here.... wait... new what?!-

Twilight: We pass all the exams and a little vacation would be great!. Thanks for the idea Pinkie :).

Pinkie: you welcome ^^.. 

You (hidden):..?!

R. Dash: I can't wait to use my new surfboard! too sweet!! 

Fluttershy: girls? ... I think there is something wrong with my swimsuit ... I never chose this one O.O

Rarity: are you sure Fshy? ^^ I think it will look very cute on you, why don't you try it on?

Pinkie: yeah, but not here hehe. Come with me Fshy :)

Fluttershy: ahm.. o-okay o.o'

You (hidden): ...
Pinkie takes Fluttershy and they both leave the room. Damn, if I'm going to die here, at least give me a chance to watch!
A couple of minutes later, both girls return. Fshy is wearing a sexy blue swimsuit... woah! I have no words! She looks extremely cute!!-

Rarity: WOOOOOOAH! You look awesome! *0*!

Fluttershy: T-Thank you :S.. But I don't think it looks good on me :C .. Besides, Im very embarrassed right now >.<!

Pinkie: well, I think our lovely dummy-head thinks the opposite. *POOM* *open the closet*

You: WOOAH!! *falls to the floor*

Pinkie: right? e.e


You: no no no!.. I swear this is a great misunderstanding!!
-While I try to take a breath to explain, Fluttershy is blushing and covering herself with both arms ... Her figure is divine! O_O ... but I need to explain this is a misunderstanding!- 

Sunset: I can't believe it! You hid in Fluttershy's closet just to look at us while we change clothes!!! You pervert!!

Twilight: I... I trusted you T^T...

Rarity: disgusting ¬.¬''

You: Hey it's not like that! Please let me explain!

Sunset: I can't wait to hear your excuse!

You: Pinkie gave me a letter from Fluttershy and said she wanted to see me to talk about an invitation or something! Fluttershy, you were there! You sent me an SMS!

Fluttershy: But... But I didn't send you any SMS :S

Applejack: Fluttershy has been with us all day, you liar >_>

Pinkie: Just admit that you are a pervert and I promise that we will forgive your punishment :P
-Pinkie comes up to me, shows me a picture and whispers to me....-

Pinkie: Say hi to "Fluttershy" ^^ *giggles*


Pinkie: Now that we are all here, we can tell him, girls :)

Fluttershy: I will go change my clothes first >///<
-Fshy leaves the room very flushed O.o''-

You: *gulp* What are you talking about...

R. Dash: As you heard, DUMMY ... we're going on vacation. We wanted you to come with us.

You: Pinkie, why didn't you tell me before!

Pinkie: I tried, but you didn't want to hear me. Besides, you avoided me all the time x'D..
Pinkie comes up to me again and whispers to me....

Pinkie: So this was plan B ^_^..

-Could I really have avoided all this if I had listened to her?... Hmm, I feel a look of fury at the nape of my neck :S-

Sunset: You already finished?! Because a certain pervert needs a lesson! Come here!!!


-END- xD

>> About the pic: hi guys! first of all, i hope you like the drawings ^^ .. I know Fluttershy had drawn her recently, but this drawing had to be hers, since I want to start drawing the girls in some summer outfits, like a pool party or something, but wearing the same official swimsuits, I think that would not be appropriate. Anyway,  Anyway, I plan to draw them all gradually, remember that I also have the series of drawings: Beautiful problem (Rarity, I see you e.e). Cheers! 




The irony and mystery if this could’ve avoided if listened to Pinkie Pie earlier... :/


Poor dude XD

Sour Power

Well, her new swimsuit was supposed to be a surprise but you just barged in on her changing. XD


I doubt she will wear that swimsuit, so she's probably going to exchange it for another one to show less skin U.U


so adorable flutters is. beautiful work as usual man keep at it

Awkward Segway

Great work! Fluttershy's always adorable!


Love her expressions


Your sixth sense walked right into this one - you're going to need a seventh if you're going to tango with that trickster! That said, I feel that Pinkie's plan A wouldn't have been any better for you. You also nailed the position with this one. I'm a fan of the classic "embarrassed female covering herself" pose!


that's right Colonist! Pinkie will never go for the easy side, she will always play some dirty trick on us xD. She is waiting for the day that our MC realizes why she wants to get his attention :3


Oh wow.... She's stunning. ❤️


Would be nice to have a mini story for one of nude pics, for example: when pinkie finally admits why she is doing all those pranks on MC. But thats just my opinion:P


C'mon, dude XD How did you make her so adorable? XD Holy shit XD


I love this, she's gorgeous. Wish we could see a back view sometime.


I've thought about it, but these stories are supposed to be harem genre, without being super explicit xD. However, I would like to make a story that involves precisely what you are thinking xD, maybe I will and if you like it, I could do more.


Es la segunda vez que leo una de tus mini historias y debo decir que son muy entretenidas, me encanta el hecho de que sean cronológicas :3 Pd: Se ve hermosa Fluttershy!! :D


SuperShy!!! = @ ☐ @ =


At this rate, with these stories, sometime down the line, I'll want to see a reverse-gangbang scene of the protagonist/viewer...


muchas gracias hermano :D!. Las mini-historias son algo totalmente secundario jejej (el que quiere las lee, el que no, pues no pasa nada), las escribo porque me gusta y mantiene mi sueño de crear una novela visual harem de humor intacto x'D. Me alegra que te haya gustado :), esa es la idea principal cuando hago un dibujo :D!


She is cute ^^, every time I draw her I try to give them not only sexy pose, but also something cute and sweet :D! I hope you liked it ^^ (the T3 will be include one extra expression :)


woah xD.. in fact, you gave me an idea for a future drawing involving the Mane 7 + the MC. I hope to materialize the idea someday!!

A.F. Unknown

Al fin puedo conectarme para ver esta maravilla :c Nada mejor que una chica timida ocultando lo glorioso de su cuerpo. Grandiosas las expresiones de su cara &lt;3