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Hi guys!!
As you read this, I continue with the drawing of Indigo Zap :). However, once I finish her, I will have to start new drawings! I have a ton of ideas for new drawings involving the Mane 7, CMC, minor characters, the princesses, Crystal Prep students, etc.. All your favorite characters will be drawn ^_^.

But for now, in the short term I have in mind these characters to draw: Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Octavia y Vinyl (Then comes Sunset, Sci-Twi, Miss Cheerilee, Aria Blaze, Fshy and more!).. 

As you know, there are no losing options here, this poll means: Which character do you want to see first? 


Sour Power

Octavia and Vinyl definitely. And more incoming Crystal Prep pictures! Hell yeah! Crystal Prep girls > CHS girls don't @me.


It's a coin flip between potentially seeing the tables turned on Pinkie the prankster or seeing characters we haven't seen in the longest time, and I usually go with the latter! The coin flip ruled the latter.


hahaha xD.. well, I have to say this, I like the Crystal Prep uniform. That gives an endless imagination for cute, suggestive or sexy drawings e_e


Interesting :o !! Well, certainly Pinkie's drawing will relate to one of our "revenges" e_e. So that drawing will have "mini-story". As for the rest, I dont know xD. I have something in mind for Octavia and Vinyl, that is the reason why I will draw them together.


Applejack!!!! Yes plz


jaja si ya es hora de dibujarla. Su ultimo dibujo fue en diciembre si mal no recuerdo. Aunque segun estoy viendo, será la tercera en ser dibujada ahi.. pero tranqui porque se viene si o si :).


Although I love AJ I feel there just isn't as much Pinkie Pie so I vote Pinkie. Plus the revenge thing.


Aguante Pinkie :)


It's time to give Pinkie the payback she deserves ;)