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-mini Story-

YOU: Hooray! It's today!

Today the Blu-Ray of the new EG movie goes on sale! How not to be excited?! We arrived at the store and headed to the stand of the movie.

YOU: what the...

However, there are many people here. The truth is that we should not be surprised, everyone wants to watch the movie, it's has 100% in the website Rotten Tomatoes, and 100 pts in Metacritic :O ... well, we have no choice but to wait our turn.

An hour later, it's finally our turn, but...

YOU: Nooooooooo!!! *dead face*

The Blu-ray of the new movie sold out! And here there are not even other places to look for it.. dammit.
Nothing to do here. We headed to the exit to go home... sad moment.

???: Hi there ^^

YOU: hmm?...

It's Juniper, apparently she was able to buy the movie.. lucky girl. Good for her Dx.

Juniper: Why that long face? :O

YOU: I waited a long time for the Blu-Ray of the new EG movie, but I couldn't buy it T_T .. I wanted to watch it :(

Juniper: And what is the problem? I have the movie here. Let's watch it together tonight :) 

Wow.. one night alone with Juniper watching a movie? We can't deny that would be great but ...

Juniper: I have to go home now, I have many things to do hehe. See you tonight okay? Bye!

YOU: ah. Bye. o///o

Oka, take it easy dude, we will only watch a movie. Get out lascivious thoughts!! Get out!

It's 8 PM and we go to Juniper's house.
She welcomes us and invites us to her home, nothing out of the ordinary ... fortunately!!!.

YOU: Hey Juniper, thanks for inviting us, but it wasn't necessary ... 

Juniper: No problem ^_^ ...it's boring to watch movies alone. It's great to be accompanied sometimes.

Our face blushes for a moment ... quiet man!

--2 hours later the movie ended.--

YOU: That was awesome!! Without a doubt it was worth!

Juniper: I know! I really liked it, now I understand that score in Metacritic hehe. Hey, do you want to watch another movie? ^^

YOU: But it's too late, and I...

Juniper: BOOOO.. boring. Come on, you haven't heard the expression: "the night is still young"?

YOU: Okay, go ahead.

The hours pass and we continue to watch movies.
However, our eyelids feel too heavy... too heavy... aarg... -_-

YOU: ... zzz ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

YOU: ah what... >.<

We felt a strong beam of light on the face ... what the heck happened!

YOU: *stare* ... *GULP* 

Why Juniper is in pajamas!!

YOU: Ju-Juniper? 

Juniper: hmm? oh, good morning.

Juniper is opening the curtains and the sunlight enter in her room. Woah, She looks very beautiful ... ... wait, what are we saying ... Oh man...we are dead, we are damned dead!

YOU: What happened, why are you in pajamas?! ... and why am I in your room!

Juniper: You fell asleep while we watched movies, rude!! ... don't you remember?

YOU: ... 

Juniper: I don't want to imagine what you were dreaming! .. I saw you smile while you slept, and knowing you, it sure was a pervert dream.

YOU: what?! that's not true! Wait... did you see me sleep?

Juniper: O///O? .. sh-shut up pervert! It's not what you are thinking!! ò///ó

We can't believe it ... we slept in Juniper's same room. On the one hand it is great (I guess), but on the other hand if someone finds out about this, we will be dead!

Juniper: Anyway, it was great to watch movies together ... we should repeat this you know? hehe. But hey, bring a sleeping bag if you are going to staying here, okay? ^_^

YOU: ahm... sure o_o.

-End :D-

>>About the pic: Hi guys! Here is the new Juniper pic :) (and the next will be for Wallflower!). To make this drawing, I was inspired by the drawing that all of you helped me to make (Juniper watching a movie eating popcorns xD).. I wanted to think of a drawing with that same theme, and well, this is the result .. as you will see, according to the "mini-story" (which obviously you are not required to read), I made 3 expressions for Juniper :).

I hope you like it!! Cheers!




Those are some very pretty pyjamas!


Awkwardness for the next morning. And of course, pervert accusation again. &gt;&lt;


hahaha.. Apparently, we have a bad reputation xD. I hope you liked the drawing and the mini-story Kevin ^^


I’m surprised she didn’t throw a blanket over you when you fell asleep. It’s been said before, but Juniper’s definitely cuter with her hair down!


beautiful buddy nice job can't wait for the edits when you get to them


And we still don't know where we sleep, in her bed or on the floor xDD . thanks Colonist!


thanks Kaitanos! tomorrow im gonna work in the other versions ^_^.. cheers!


Great work! I love the mini story for this one!


thank you Barricade! xD - The previous drawing of Juniper helped me (she watching a movie eating popcorns), this would be like a "sequel" to that drawing hehe. Cheers!


C'mon, viewer/me, pick up on her hints! She couldn't be any more transparent about her intent. Particularly with that negligee. And wow, those thighs were made for licking.


omg xD.. you right bro! thanks Twi, I thought about those "more real" bodies, but without removing the "cartoon" facet from the drawings ... I hope to be doing the right thing.

Nicole Sunstone

Fantastic work with Juniper! ^_^


Asdadkjalskfjañlskdjas!!!!... ejem... XD. Te volaste la barda again my friend, Juniper fue una instant waifu para mi y que la dibujes con semejante suculencia... uff!!! muchas gracias :P


Gracias a ti Rikku! Me alegra que te haya gustado, y espero que te guste igual las otras versiones ^_^. Saludos!