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Today we're in a remedial class with some classmates ... apparently we did not do very well in the exam last week xP.

While we wait for the instructor, a girl appears and welcomes us.

???: Hello students, my name is Moon Dancer and I will be your instructor today.

What? She will be our instructor? Not bad I guess. She must be very studious... and serious! it wouldn't hurt to smile a little, mademoiselle.
The class runs normally until its end, but just before leaving the classroom, Moon calls us.

Moon Dancer: Hey, do you have a moment? I need to talk with you.

You: ahm.. sure.

Moon Dancer: Your results were very poor, you really need to study more. Or at least, read more books -_-'

You: Too bad. That really hurts, but it's the truth. Sorry, I will focus more on studies... only if you smile a little hehe.

Moon Dancer: What?! What do you mean! ò.ó

You: Ahm, I wasn't trying to bother you, it's just that it wouldn't hurt to smile a little. The class helped us, but it was a bit boring.

Moon Dancer: Excuse me?! The class is not supposed to be fun, it is so that an air head like you can learn something!

You: Hey hey.. I-Im sorry!... wait!...
Moon Dancer simply leaves the place. Oops, I think we ruined our first impression :/

-That same afternoon-

It's already too late, so it's time to go home.
At that moment, we see Moon Dancer reading a book. Hmm, we definitely have to go to apologize, it wasn't our intention to bother her or make her feel bad! So, we bought a juice and we're going to apologize to her.

You: ahm Moon? I'm sorry. I didn't want to bother you, it was just a joke ... maybe a little cruel.
Damn, we have to avoid getting together with Pinkie Pie from now on!! Dx

Moon Dancer: ...

You: The boys and me really appreciate your help ... thank you for today. Look, now I can tie my shoelaces by myself :D .

Moon Dancer: Pff.. *giggles*

You: See? xD hehe.. But seriously, I'm sorry. I will never do it again.. Oh, and I bought you a juice ^^

Moon Dancer: *sigh* .. Well, thanks. I guess I can take your comment as a constructive criticism. And sorry to call you air head.

In that moment, the sunlight lit the smile on her lips... holy moly! for some reason our heart beats faster O///O .. Has Moon always been cute? o.o

Moon Dancer: So, you are what girls usually call pervert?

You: wait what?! Why do you say that!..

Moon Dancer: For that lewd look you have. 

You: Oh come on, that is not true! 

Moon Dancer: just take a picture, it'll last longer.

You: Give me a break!

Moon Dancer: hahaha *giggles* :P

We spend time talking with Moon Dancer and it's not bad at all ... I mean, between the boring of studying, or spending time with a pretty girl, there's no point of comparison hehe xD.


>> About the pic: Well guys! Here is the Moon Dancer pic! xD. It's a shame that this character does not have an official human version. This is my contribution to the world of fandom with a human version for Moon Dancer. Similarly, I know that there are already human versions made by fans on the internet, and well, to expand those fanart, here is my Moon Dancer version.. I really hope you like my MD version guys! :S!! (little nervious!)





Yay, another mini-story and a cute image


I remember you said you were putting thought into how to make a human version of her, and her outfit. I think you did well.


great! Thank you Stellarator.. I had pending to draw this character for a long time ^^ .. I know that it may not be to the taste of the all fandom, but I think everyone deserves their moment to shine hehe xD.


yay! thanks Barri! .. If Moon had an official human version, it would certainly be very cute *-*


Well done with the Moondancer EG interpretation - can’t go wrong with the thick glasses, simple hair tie, and obligatory sweater in this one!


amazing as always!


wow really great picture and good little story too!


I guess she does compare alright. EqG versions of the characters ARE slightly different from their pony world originals. You got the delicate personality balance she may have fittingly enough for her, I'd say. Perhaps she's a friend of Twilight? She may find it easier to stay in touch with her in the EqG world, since she may've left CPA but they probably still can meet outside of it, being in the same city and all. Also, with that style of dress and THOSE PERFECT THIGHS and trying to tutor a class of boys, I'd say she's the pervert... looking to get some boys hot and bothered and lusting for her. Even seemingly ready to show so much of her gorgeous rear. I don't mind, though... I will take a picture, and make her last longer~


CUUUUUUUUTE ! ! ! = ❤ ω ❤ =


Beautiful 😍