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hi guys!! 

new day, new drawing! - Today is the turn of Luna and Celestia, both girls wanted to talk to us ... what will it be? Will we be in trouble because of our poor grades in school? :O .. 

Anyway guys xD, im working in the next drawing: Luna and Celestia. This will be a drawing of two characters, and that means that it may take me a little longer to finish the drawing :/ .. (Next WIP will be for Celestia!)

And before I forget it, I have already decided on the next short-term drawings: Sour Sweet, Moon Dancer and Sci-Twi (Beautiful Smile - Part 2)... Obviously, the H drawing (super explicit +18) will also be included, so dont worry ^_^..




Vice Principal Luna can call me to her office any day :)


Oh buck yeah


I'm liking this one already.


I can't wait for the variants of both Celestia and Luna already. That getup she's wearing is already getting me warm in a good way.