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It's been a long time since we saw Twilight (I mean Sci-Twi xD) .. So we decided to call her on the cell and if she has free time, we could go for ice cream :D .. Sounds great doesn't it? - Her reply was positive ... she already did her homework and can go for an ice cream. Excellent!! 

While we take a walk, a little cat catches Twilight's attention. The first impression we had in mind was to call Fluttershy ... I mean, she likes animals, right? However, she takes the little kitten in her arms (damn lucky)...

-Twilight: Let's take it to my home ^-^
-You: wait what? o_o

In this way, this little one ruins our encounter with Twilight x( ... Although the truth is.. seeing Twilight in this way makes our heart beat faster º0º .. We can't deny it, she looks very beautiful ... and well, apparently she already has a new mascot.

-You: Ahm ... Twilight, we'll go for ice cream or ...
-Twilight: sure! But now I'm here, I'll take a bath first. Wait for me and take care of the little kitty please ^^ 
-You: Wha-what?!

(This mini-history will continue in the future with other drawing)

About the pic:
Hi all! xD .. well, here is the new drawing of Sci-Twi.. As I mentioned before, I had another type of drawing in mind for her, but I canceled that idea in favor of Moon Dancer's drawing :) .. I'll tell you the truth, I thought this context to give more meaning to the nude versions.. I have in mind the Alts version, where she wear a towel ... then, the context would be similar, but the text would change a bit. I plan to send a small Notepad with the alt and nudes versions explaining the context, a bit edited, why Twilight will wear a towel. The nudes versions will be for the alternative version (towel) of Twilight ^_^-

I hope you like it!! Cheers!




She definitely has a beautiful smile. And beautiful legs. Oh what the heck, she's beautiful period! XD


you right Ryan! I already have in mind the next drawing of Sci-Twi ... I don't know when I can start working on her again, but I hope soon! *o*


She's perfect!!! Btw, I wish you a happy new year 2020, keep up the great stuff!


Unforgiven bro!! Thank you!! happy new year :D .. and congrats for you 2000 subscribers on youtube!!


Me encanta cada detalle Sci-Twi y con ese gatito es maravillosa, siempre amare tu trabajo, me honra seguirte (también en deviantART).


Sci Twi’s got a cute cat! This statement will likely remain true in the next versions.


That's right! .. I don't know when I'll start drawing the next Sci-Twi pic (maybe I'm going to make a poll), but it will be a "sequel" of this drawing xD


Even though this isn't a nude drawing, we get to see and pet Twi's pussy already, neat! Love both of these versions. I do love lewds as ever, but SFW prettiness and love like this is its own worth that should never be abandoned. Plus, those legs are already very sexy and beautiful both, in that very Sci-Twi "lovely nerd" way. The pose, too, very her. This image is pure love. Hmm... I think this Sci-Twi is wearing "Pony Twi" customary clothing, though, right? I wonder if pony Twi didn't leave it for her when they met at the end of FG... and if that didn't mean she returned through the portal naked.


that is a good question x'D .. Hmm .. I have many drawings in mind for Sci-Twi. If I'm honest, this drawing by Sci-Twi was going to be of the type of drawing: "Time To Rest AJ and Pinkie", in other words: Two consecutive Sci-Twi drawings with her history and context. However, due to my commitment to Mane 7 and Celestia / Luna, I had to discard that idea. But, I still have plans to continue with another drawing (as I said in the description), so we will have another drawing of Sci-Twi very soon xD. That drawing will be a "sequel" of this drawing, and at the same time a "prequel" to the alternative version of this drawing (the towel).