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EDIT: added one more version! V.2 (no tights socks)

Hi guys!!

Here is the Rainbow Dash pic!
As we know, RD is a rock lover! YEAH baby! And when I saw this outfit.. OMG, I needed to draw it. It's great! I think it perfectly focuses the personality of our favorite rainbow girl!

I will be honest, I didn't remember seeing her like that. The truth is that the only reference of this outfit was a capture of the movie and of very poor quality xD. I hope I have done a good work :/

Anyway, let's enjoy the Dashie concert! *insert rock music here* xD

I hope you like it!! - Cheers!




She's got good legs here!


If she's jumping to crowd surf hopefully she doesn't spike anybody with the shoe spikes!


Cute! Lots of energy. I'll be keen to see the H versions obviously, but your art is just cool in general.


Wait, what movie did you say this outfit was from? O.o


oops my bad Dx .. that was a short -> "Friendship Through the Ages" .. - H version? you mean the alternatives / nudes? im going to work in those versions, dont worry xD .. BUT for the true next H pic, the truth is that I have not thought about what character to use for the next H drawings.. maybe Suri Polomare, Fleur-de-lis or Coco Pommel ??? I dont know Dx