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wip wip wip WORK IN PROGRESS!!

Pinkie played us a bad joke, making AJ mad at us! It's time for the revenge !! ... but.. what happen with her? :O

-- This WIP is a new version of the original WIP that I was going to upload today xD .. At the last minute I changed my mind and canceled Pinkie's previous WIP ... I think this one is much better! I could upload the canceled WIP in case anyone is curious to see it xD.

About the Rotavirus: I feel so much better today :D .. many  thank you all for your words of encouragement  ^^ 

WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!!




Promising sexy-faced, potentially making-an-offer Pinkie? Please, yes.


Glad to know you're feeling better! Also, Pinkie looks like she's up to no good in the best possible way :)


I'm keen to see the final of this


Nice to hear you are well. Am also intrigued in the mini-story more after AJ incident.