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Hi guys!!

While you read this, I will start with the drawing of Wallflower. Do you remember the poll last month? Well, that drawing (I mean, the second option)..

Anyway, when that drawing is finished ... with what do you want it to continue? On the one hand, we have the H drawing of the month (I still don't know what character to draw, but I have in mind Octavia or Juniper), and on the other hand, we have the special Halloween drawing (with Trixie) .. 

You already know that these poll doesn't mean that Im going to draw only one of those drawings. I'm going to make BOTH drawings, these poll means that you decide which one you want to see first :-) .. 

PS: H drawings means "Hentai".. H pics are more "explicit" drawings than usual. You know what I mean hehe.

>> So, time to choose <<:



UH! Octavia in a "H-drawing"? COOL!!! = ★ ˽ ★ =

Nicole Sunstone

Definitely voting H if there's a chance for more Juniper! ^_^


woah, dont worry!.. i gonna draw both girls AND both drawings ^_^.. However I will start with the Halloween drawing (It's the option that is winning for now) and then the H pic .. Probably I make two H drawings (one for Octavia, and one for Juniper).


Octavia h drawing and Juniper h drawing? All my yes!