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"The field day is here and the girls know it! Gym clothes rock! - That's why we quickly go to the men locker room. However, we noticed something ... the girl's locker room door is a little open and the girls don't notice :-O - Well ... I guess we should close the door, we don't want some kind of misunderstanding. But when we try to close it, a dirty bastard hits us and ..."

>> Heeey! Well ... I had asked a quick question for the Lemon's posture... version 2 of Lemon had won, but there were still users who chose version 1 and 3 ... I FINALLY DID THE 3 VERSIONS xD - So, you can download the 3 versions of the Lemon ^^ ... Thank you very much for your support guys. I appreciate it very much and it's my way of trying to meet your expectations :) ..

>> EDIT: 4º pic added (full clothes Lemon)




He estado un poco ausente de participación ultimamente en patreon pero te la haz rifado como los grandes con tus últimos trabajos mi amigo. Desde que subiste el wip de lemon zest me brillaron los ojos, me encanto y me encanta lemon zest, es de mis favoritas jeje. El trabajo (as always) esta muy bien hecho, me gusta mucho esa escena de intimidad mezclada con sorpresa :p


Oh bueno, pues este no es el ultimo dibujo de Lemon ni de las Shadowbolts en general... creo que merecen mas cariño de mi parte jeje. Muchas gracias bro! En verdad me alegra saber que mis trabajos gusten a la people jejej ^_^ .. Saludos!