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and here is the drawing! Ole Ole and OLE!! 

>> "I think it's a good time to go to the beach ... the FF special was very good, it gave us great views... you know what i mean, right? However, we see Rarity walking ... maybe she is looking for the little turtles. It is when she notices our presence and she makes that gesture ... we try not to blush, but it is impossible!! D: .. We respond to the greeting and leave the place quickly!" <<

I liked making this drawing ... I think Rarity is perfect to draw a picture of her alone in swimsuit. Blessed are you Forgotten Friendships!

I hope you like it!! Cheers!




Awe yiss


That is so hot I think I got a sun burn. Great work!


Beautiful! 😍


Wow, Rarity looks great! And I agree with you about those beach outfits 😏


Definite improvement from last year's work! Rarity's flirtatious expression and leggy pose included, haha.


An adorable pose = ❤ ₒ ❤ =


Cute as hell


Quería escribir un HUGE wall text sobre esta hermosa ilustración y no me salen las palabras u.u! Sin embargo puedo decirte que es una obra maestra y a mi consideración es la pose mas pinche sexy que haz dibujado hasta ahora. Felicidades amigo, definitivamente esta en mi top 5 de tus mejores trabajos XD.


Muchas gracias bro! Es lo bueno de este personaje jeje.. se puede dibujar sexy sin desperfilar la naturaleza original de su personalidad. Tal cual como el creador quizo enfocarla. Es muy dificil a veces darle un toque seductor a algunos personajes (Fluttershy o Pinkie Pie son unos ejemplos),-- es solo cosa mía quizas, pero me gusta mantener la escencia original del personaje. Cheers!