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And here is the pic!!!. My contribution to the community, and the return of the Dazzling :)

The result I liked a lot. I think the lights and shadows of the short in this drawing are awesome... besides getting the colors and original details of their new outfits. However, you are the judges ^_^

I hope you like it!! Cheers!




Very well done! You really nailed the look and feel of the short! And great work with the background too! Sometimes the background is just as important as the characters.


thanks BS!! I always try to give the best experience in terms of backgrounds ^^.. As you say, I think it's as important as the characters.


WOW! In fact this image with that lights effects is really very beautiful. Excellent job! = ^ ω ° =


Aria's got nice hips.


Espero no sea tarde para escribir sobre esta obra maestra!! :P Pues realmente no tengo mucho que decir esta vez :v, nuevamente me dejaste sin palabras con este trabajo excepcional. Todo lo que admiro de tu trabajo esta aquí presente y con una ejecución impecable, así que gracias! my friend por otra excepcional muestra de tu talento jeje. No me canso de decirlo, es un gusto apoyar tu trabajo. Saludos


Sigo creyendo que "The other side" es tu novena sinfonía pero carajo!! Este se le acerca bastante :P