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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!

Good morning/afternoon/night guys! A new week means a new drawing! :D .. and this time it's wife applejack's turn, to continue with all the wifes girls! XD. I'm going to explore a couple of alternatives with this drawing, but when you see it in full, let me know your opinions, for now, I'll leave it as a secret XD.

I'll be honest, the next Wife girl according to the previous poll should have been Dash, but as I just uploaded her Daki version, I decided to change only this order and let AJ first and then wife Dash later ^^. However hey, I know that more than one of you are wondering: "Charlie, will you continue with the Dakimakura series?" The answer is a big and absolute: YES. As you know, the next Daki character is Fluttershy, so her drawing will come right after this Wife Applejack drawing, so warm up because yes, all the girls will have their Daki version soon! :D


>> next characters: daki fluttershy, adagio, coloratura, daki pinkie, sunset, wife dash, part 2 shadowbolts and more dakis and pending drawings! :D




Wifey AppleJack...every time I see her I just have the same thought over and over...farm girls are sexy as FUCK


Oh my. Everyone’s favorite EQG farmer incoming. She was a tough gal before, wonder how tough of a wife partner she’ll be to handle. Like her smiling expression though. ^^


hahah omg hey XD.. well, now you will see as never before!! :D at least i left her hat :D


I imagine it will be just as strong or even stronger!!! Still she is a girl, and we should assist her when she wants it XD