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WIP WIP WIP work in progress!!

No time to waste, so here's what tomorrow's drawing will be! Yes, tomorrow I will upload it! I just need to make some minor adjustments and it will be ready ^^, so you won't have to wait practically nothing to see it finished :)

I made this drawing to make it as a "Mashup" with Sonata, so as you can see, they share outfits of that sweater that I still don't know how it's called (no guys, it's not the Virgil Killer, that's another one XD). So I hope you like it! As for Adagio, well I don't have her in my plans at the moment, HOWEVER i know you voted for her in the poll, so for her I'll make a different drawing this time (when her turn will come XD).


PS: You weren't expecting a WIP so early today? e.e



Raja Tempest

Aria with an evil smile is hitting me some type of way.


You have ALL of my interest. :)


yay hehe ^^ .. the Dazzlings are practically the main characters of your amazing comic, so it's time for me to do the same with them as the main characters of this theme ^^