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Alice is a tourist visiting New Zealand. Manaaki is a Maori she met through a dating app. For her, it was just a one night stand. But for him, it is much more. But soon, they will both feel the same. 




I know I'm arguably going to be a bit "biased", here, given I requested this, but IMHO, Z, this is some of your best work! :-D Like, it's excellent. Definitely worth how excited it made me to see that you had finished it! I don't know how long you spent on it (I'm assuming quite a while, given how long we have been talking about it, lol), but really, this is very, very good. Excellent choice of pictures, and the tattoo thing (again, after all our discussion), too! Like, genuinely, short story level stuff. (Very) Well done! And thanks so much for doing it! :-D


Agreed. This is the kind of story that brings me back again and again. (Also happens to hit my three favorite themes- identity death, pregnancy, and cultural change.)


Well I'm glad this story is getting such a positive feedback, it was really fun to write :)