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Hi there! I have an idea for my next PDF story.

This time, the person you can change is...me (obviously, that's not really me on the picture, but this way, we've got something to start with).

Here's the story. Zbloutch is doing another "evil genie" style interactive post in which he allows his patrons to change him in some way. He thinks he can do it as usual, by answering everyone in the comments and describe the transformation. Unfortunately for him, one of his patrons decides to curse this post, causing every change requested by the patrons to actually happen. The patrons don't know it yet, but Zbloutch is going to be a very different person by the time this game is done. 

So as usual, you can comment below to tell me the change you'd like to see me go through, I'll include it in the story. Just a few rules here :

-The changes have to be gradual, so keep it simple. It's okay if you decide to give me big boobs, or turn me Asian, or change my way of speaking. Just don't make the change too extreme at once (like, multiple transformations, plus identity death, plus adding new memories etc.)

-If you add to the changes, please have a look at those that were requested previously. In some cases, I can have twice the same change (like bigger breasts, weight gain, etc). But just make sure I won't have twice a change like "turn into a woman", for example.

-Also, please take the previous changes into account to allow the overal transformation to progress. So if someone makes me 10 years younger, please don't turn me 10 years older afterwards.

-Apart from this, you're free to do what you want, except for the usual stuff (no gore, no CP, obviously). But yeah, apart from that, feel free to make me as weird and twisted as you want. Wanna bimbofy me? Change my race? Make me grow tentacles or replace my mouth with a pussy? Feel free to comment below, I'll start working on this story in a few days




You become pregnant with your wife…how fun!

Lady Stardust

you age 30 years and change races again, this time turning middle eastern whilst also forgetting how to speak English

Nick Carrick

Maybe take from this the age progression and language change so it doesn't undo the previous race change?