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Welcome, welcome! Please, take a seat. My eyes are up here, by the way. Just kidding, you can stare as much as you want. After all, my job is to make you feel better, isn't it? Just relax, and tell me what's wrong with your life right now. 

Too much stress at work? Going through a nasty divorce? Or just feeling sad? It's a good thing you found this ad about a psychologist offering free consultations. Don't worry, these rumors about my clients disappearing mysteriously are pure fabrication. What's that? My shadow looks like it has horns and a forked tail? Don't be silly, it's just a trick of the light. 

Just comment below to tell me what's wrong with you, and I promise I will solve your problem on the spot. You'll find my methods...deadly effective.




I think I am depressed... I don't know why, I love my job, and it pays well, I love my beautiful wife more than anything in the world, I have l the ingredients for happiness, yet I still find myself to be unhappy, is this something you can fix?


You seem to suffer from what we commonly call First World Problems, with people having everything they need in their life and yet still feeling unsatisfied. That's because they have too much spare time and end up making up problems. There's a good remedy against this : taking everything away. As soon as I'm done talking, you will teleport to a dirt poor neighborhood of the poorest country in Africa, an absolute slum with murder/rape/robberies rates that would make Detroit look like paradise. And you will be a prostitute in this neighborhood, barely making enough money to survive, forced to cope with the criminals, as well as the soldiers taking over the government every few months and their reign of terror. But believe me or not, you will enjoy the shit out of the few money you'll have, as well as of every day you manage to survive here, without getting murdered, without catching AIDS, or without anything else horrible to happen to you. This is you now : https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/F1A675B.jpg


I’m obsessed with imagining and fapping to joey king’s asshole with her ass spread, help!