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Hi there! I was wondering: is there any kind of TF, trope, etc, that I either never used in my stories, or that I didn't do often, and you'd like to see more of? 

It's always good to diversify, so if you have anything that comes to mind, feel free to comment below :) 



I don't think there's much I can add that hasn't already been said, but... More Stepfordization would be my jam (ideally with time travel elements, as mentioned!), and more pregnancy stuff. Also, and obviously this is getting more contentious/niche, but incest. Would love some more incest caps. Say... Nephew or son to wife. That sort of thing, lol.


Last holdouts of humans from a global tf is one of my faves. Could be anything mentioned above global twinning, global animal tf, hell even global stepforization! The last few humans on earth being assimilated into the "new normal" is great for the way you write identity death and the horror aspects!