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Hey! You probably noticed I didn't publish much this week, and I won't be able to publish this week-end either. I'll be back on Monday. The main reason is that this week got really busy at my job, which means that for once, I couldn't pretend to be working hard while writing dirty stuff instead. This time, I actually had to work, and after work, I was too tired to be very productive.

Things will be back to normal next week, so I'll resume my production of stories then. Thanks a lot for your patience, and see you really soon :) 



Would you consider altering the rewards for different membership tiers? I have been waiting since January for one request and I've only messaged you at the start of each month about it, and you've said you were just going to do it this week. I like to be understanding but why not just increase the price of a request if you can't do them each month so you aren't overwhelmed.


Yeah, I kinda fucked up over the last few months. In March, my priority will be doing all the impending requests. I have to admit I made these tiers in a Time where i had much less patrons than now, and i'm having trouble taking care of everything now.